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Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs

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Fun Fact Number 129 [23 Sep 2008|03:27am]

The Internet is a square. 

And has corners. 

I always thought of it more of a circle myself. Looping around with information and all. 

And circles.....don't have corners.

Oh well.
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[23 Sep 2008|05:07am]
Yeah I got bored and can't get any sleep. So Jou just called Yoko Kamina's sister over at [info]traverse_town and will now proceed to try and inspect her top because she's obviously smuggling babies.

Yeah. Total wishful thinking on the sister thing. No. He doesn't really believe she's smuggling babies. He just wants an excuse to see/touch the goods.
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Sad But True [23 Sep 2008|01:38pm]
Sad fact - the only people on-line right now on my AIM list are bots.

Sadder fact - I almost started talking to one of them.
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Awesome Right? [23 Sep 2008|11:50pm]
I found this and decided that it was pretty awesome.

View the Awesome )
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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2008 ]
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