agent_v (![]() @ 2012-12-05 03:29:00 |
E-MAIL: on file
AIM: on file
CHARACTER NAME: Peter Thompson / Agent Venom / Venom
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Asian-American, athletic, 5'8" (6'2 as Venom)
AGE: 19
PB: Bin Won
ABILITIES: Peter and the Venom symbiote are bonded at a molecular level, although willpower and Peter's treatments with SHIELD scientists give him full control over the symbiote. As Venom, Peter has all the abilities of a Spider-Man including enhanced strength, durability, speed, wall-crawling, and he can generate his own webbing from his wrist (traditional Venom level of power). Because the Venom symbiote was bonded with Peter through puberty, it took on a puberty of it's own, making it smarter than it used to be. He can also generate tendrils from the suit to hold multiple weapons, such as machine guns. He is also able to use the shape-changing properties of the suit in order to create bladed weapons similar to Carnage, and create disguises for himself, and has an accelerated healing factor. Venom is also immune to the spider-sense, and has a spider-sense of his own. Peter is also capable of the Poisonous Fangs ability developed by Eddie Brock.
Peter has extensive SHIELD training as a field agent and is well-versed in both armed and unarmed combat, though he is a weapons specialist. He possesses his own Multi-Gun, which is specially keyed to Peter's DNA so that it only works for him. It has multiple functions ranging from an automatic pistol to a high-powered sniper rifle.
WEAKNESSES: As Venom, Peter is highly vulnerable to intense heat and sound. Peter also requires weekly injections of a special syrum to help him maintain control of the Venom symbiote. If he lacks the injections for extended periods of time, he will lose control and go on a rampage.
RELATIVES: Eugene "Flash" Thompson (Father/Alive), Sha Shan Thompson (Mother/Alive)
HISTORY: When Peter was born, the Venom symbiote detached from Flash and attached itself to Peter as a baby. Flash and Sha Shan tried to remove the symbiote, but couldn't do so without bringing harm to Peter. As a result, they decided it was best if Peter grew up learning to control the symbiote. Flash used his government contacts to have Peter sent to the SHIELD Academy where he was trained as a Field Agent known as Agent Venom. Peter has been under heavy monitoring by SHIELD scientists, due to recent developments in the Venom symbiote. When Peter went through puberty, the symbiote reacted and went through a puberty of it's own. His current primary handler is Agent Lena Jessen.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game? As a SHIELD agent doing field agent things.
What are you planning to do with this character? Symbiote plots, and SHIELD plots. And spider plots.
What do you want to see happen with this character? Eventually I want to see him lose control of the symbiote in a plot, but only somewhere down the line.
E-MAIL: on file
AIM: on file
CHARACTER NAME: Peter Thompson / Agent Venom / Venom
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Asian-American, athletic, 5'8" (6'2 as Venom)
AGE: 19
PB: Bin Won
ABILITIES: Peter and the Venom symbiote are bonded at a molecular level, although willpower and Peter's treatments with SHIELD scientists give him full control over the symbiote. As Venom, Peter has all the abilities of a Spider-Man including enhanced strength, durability, speed, wall-crawling, and he can generate his own webbing from his wrist (traditional Venom level of power). Because the Venom symbiote was bonded with Peter through puberty, it took on a puberty of it's own, making it smarter than it used to be. He can also generate tendrils from the suit to hold multiple weapons, such as machine guns. He is also able to use the shape-changing properties of the suit in order to create bladed weapons similar to Carnage, and create disguises for himself, and has an accelerated healing factor. Venom is also immune to the spider-sense, and has a spider-sense of his own. Peter is also capable of the Poisonous Fangs ability developed by Eddie Brock.
Peter has extensive SHIELD training as a field agent and is well-versed in both armed and unarmed combat, though he is a weapons specialist. He possesses his own Multi-Gun, which is specially keyed to Peter's DNA so that it only works for him. It has multiple functions ranging from an automatic pistol to a high-powered sniper rifle.
WEAKNESSES: As Venom, Peter is highly vulnerable to intense heat and sound. Peter also requires weekly injections of a special syrum to help him maintain control of the Venom symbiote. If he lacks the injections for extended periods of time, he will lose control and go on a rampage.
RELATIVES: Eugene "Flash" Thompson (Father/Alive), Sha Shan Thompson (Mother/Alive)
HISTORY: When Peter was born, the Venom symbiote detached from Flash and attached itself to Peter as a baby. Flash and Sha Shan tried to remove the symbiote, but couldn't do so without bringing harm to Peter. As a result, they decided it was best if Peter grew up learning to control the symbiote. Flash used his government contacts to have Peter sent to the SHIELD Academy where he was trained as a Field Agent known as Agent Venom. Peter has been under heavy monitoring by SHIELD scientists, due to recent developments in the Venom symbiote. When Peter went through puberty, the symbiote reacted and went through a puberty of it's own. His current primary handler is Agent Lena Jessen.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game? As a SHIELD agent doing field agent things.
What are you planning to do with this character? Symbiote plots, and SHIELD plots. And spider plots.
What do you want to see happen with this character? Eventually I want to see him lose control of the symbiote in a plot, but only somewhere down the line.
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