The Tarot Game: House Info, Arcane Kingdom
NOTE: I'm setting this up sort of preliminary, since Kingston is the head of the Arcane. If anyone else with Arcane has something to add, leave a comment and I'll amend.
Arcane KingdomLocation: Central location within the empire
Geography: The area has a
central castle surrounded by a city. The outlying area is largely undeveloped rural. The area was largely indefensible, as well as having an open port directly facing the Runic Kingdom, which lead to it's downfall during the Great War.
Ruler: Emperor Kingston Westerveldt. His wife Eve is the Empress in name only and has no "official" power.
People: 89% Native, 7% Mixed, 4% Other
The Arcane Kingdom composition is largely aristocratic. The castle and surrounding city are populated by the rich and affluent members of the House of Arcane.
It is extremely difficult to get into the Arcane Aristocracy; they are deeply ingrained in marital ties and maintaining family lines. There is very little upward mobility with the Arcane House (though there are a few exceptions to this rule).
The poorer people live in more outlying areas, such as the rural towns, or small communities on the edge of the city (such as servants and low level clerks).
Religion: The official religion of the Arcane is poly-theistic, with a bit of Church of England thrown in for good measure. It's not taken very seriously and those who chose to practice may. Often one will pick and choose which deity to worship or pray to based on needs or desires, which may shift to another deity depending on the situation.
Military: The military was relatively well trained before the war, but they were largely outnumbered by the Runes. The war was settled by the Arcane (not necessarily won), but at the cost of the Arcane military forces.
Rights: The people have only as many rights as Kingston is willing to grant. Women are not as free within the Arcane and often only gain power over their lives when they obtain the hallowed position of widows; their upward mobility is strictly confined to marrying well.
History: Kingston inherited the seat of the Emperor from his father.
Kingston had many sons and decided to set them up with their own kingdoms (in an effort to keep them from assassinating him to claim his seat of power). He divided up areas within the empire which were already separated (either geographically, religiously, or culturally) and set his sons up to be kings.
There were peaceful trade agreements with the Runic Kingdom which had better ports to reach other countries across the sea. Of course, this wasn't enough for Kingston; he wanted control of those ports. He decided to go to war with the Runes in an effort to take those ports and claim the Runic Kingdom as part of his extended empire.
The war didn't end well and both sides suffered massive causalities in terms of their military forces. The Arcane Kingdom was mostly destroyed, the castle bombed beyond recognition and the city surrounding it in rubble.
The Arcane Aristocracy was blown to the four corners of the Empire, each member of the once great house siding with old alliances while others decided to make new ones. The castle is being rebuilt while Kingston rules temporarily from the House of Cups, but he considers the conflict far from over.
He still doesn't have control of those ports, his armed forces decimated so that he cannot hold them or occupy any space in the Runic Kingdom. Kingston has set his eye on rebuilding his strength and striking again.