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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote,
@ 2008-11-23 21:15:00

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[PRIVATE] Really, now? Really? I'm not even mad, I'm just--confused? I don't know. Because I'm all for believing that Ben was just teasing, you know...like friends do. But it's not exactly wrong of me to think there was something else there, right? Because--anyone would. Right? I've just over thinking this. See, that's not fair, getting me all--you know, I'm not confused, I know what I want, but at the end of the day I'm always going to be concerned about Ben's feelings and----

You know what? Not doing this. Nope. Anneliese said he is my Fabian so that is a big-- [/PRIVATE]

Inspire me, journaling community!

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2008-11-26 04:20 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah, because bringing a pregnant woman to a ball is totally the same thing as going on a date with an idiot that still wants to bang you.

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2008-11-26 04:30 am UTC (link)
It wasn't a date, it was barely an hour of lunch and--he does not want to----that's terribly rude and--you just--I don't---am I not allowed to--Oh this is ridiculous there's nothing to worry about and--God forbid I even assume that's the problem, that you're jealous because that would open up a whole new batch of ridiculousness and make me look like a bloody fool so fine fine I am the one who is an idiot and you know what Anneliese and you should just go and have a bloody party about Ben and---

Fine, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone.

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2008-11-26 04:42 am UTC (link)
Yes he does, it's so obvious a fucking blind bat could tell from--


Oh. Alright--- then. Good You're-- forgiven?

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2008-11-26 04:46 am UTC (link)

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