Well...I haven't had one yet, so maybe your strange and twisted plan was pretty brilliant after all.
Hah, yeah. I'm not against the idea, and my parents are really big on tradition, but if it's bad now, when I haven't even asked to have the ring yet, I can only imagine how many times a day I'm going to be owled, asking if I've asked her yet.
Wow. I actually never would have thought of that. It's a brilliant idea, it really is...but I kind of want to think of something on my own, you know? Besides...I don't even know if Eliza has the attention span to get to the end of even one chapter, nowadays.
I mean, I don't mean that as a bad thing, but...you know how she is on a good day, so just imagine how she is when she has a million other things on her mind.
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