Silas was originally from Greece. He's an old vampire, a part of the coven that was traveling on the ship.
As a human he was born in 352 BCE in ancient Greece (which makes him about 2361 years old as a vampire including his brief time as a human). He once campaigned with Alexander the Great during his conquest to expand the empire. When Alexander died in 323 BCE Silas moved away from military service and fell in with Lysandra. She turned him into a vampire that same year and they traveled together happily for some time.
When Lysandra died Silas made a vampire to keep as a companion. This vampire, Viola Winter later left him to seek her own fortune. He made another to replace her, but she (Cassandra) later killed herself by walking into the sun.
In 1556 he made Camilla as a traveling companion and has always been close with her. He turned her to a vampire after a brief and torrid affair in Camilla's homeland of Italy. He dotes on her and spoils her rotten. He sometimes struggles with her jealousy over Alexis (which is a convoluted plan he has, thinking he can gift Alexis to his girl Camilla).
He didn't particularly like the code that Victor lived by (basically not feeding off humans) and when the time came for the split (over the child vampire one of the others made) he sided with Euphemia and the others and remained in the world at large when Victor returned to the island at Rapithwin's request.
One evening at an American bar looking for something to eat he met Alexis. She was interesting to him in their conversation together and he decided not to eat her. Over the next few weeks he developed a close relationship with her and was the one who recommended her to the group as a daytime protector. Eventually he revealed his purpose to her and that he was a vampire. She was interested more than scared and he felt she would make an amazing new consort. He promised he would turn her one day, but that day never came.
Silas is a serious learner, devoted to books. He haunts libraries at night since he is so often traveling and doesn't have a home to keep his own library. He enjoys warfare but doesn't participate anymore. He has a tendency to make female vampires as companions and they are usually quite different in temperament and behavior from him; he likes the excitement that their uniqueness brings and enjoys exploring things from their unique perspective.