He didn't have an easy childhood. His mother (Dinah of the Enkeli Everto) abandoned him to his father shortly after his birth (since she was from the island and could not stay on the mainland with him). Asher grew up without ever knowing who his mother was or that he had magical abilities. His father couldn't handle being a single parent and dumped Asher with his senile grandparents, who he often had to care for; it was an awful responsibility for someone so young. He was in and out of school whenever his grandparents were ill and fell behind in class often.
He was pushed through the system and had a difficult time after graduating. He took any job he could to support his ailing grandparents. When they died he decided to change his life. He devoted the next few years of his life to studying and bettering himself. He became something of a self-made man who managed to finally get into college and graduate near the top of his class after only three years of study. He found his solace in books and his love of learning a refreshing life. He decided to become a lawyer, finding that he had immense skill at putting together persuasive arguments and convincing others to his point of view. He has never lost a case. After recently winning a serious victory against all odds he is taking a well deserved vacation.
He was pushed through the system and had a difficult time after graduating. He took any job he could to support his ailing grandparents. When they died he decided to change his life. He devoted the next few years of his life to studying and bettering himself. He became something of a self-made man who managed to finally get into college and graduate near the top of his class after only three years of study. He found his solace in books and his love of learning a refreshing life. He decided to become a lawyer, finding that he had immense skill at putting together persuasive arguments and convincing others to his point of view. He has never lost a case. After recently winning a serious victory against all odds he is taking a well deserved vacation.
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