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adobe332 ([info]adobe332) wrote,
@ 2013-03-16 04:11:00

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Adobe Encore Cs5 Menu Templates: Adobe Encore Templates—An Upgrade for Your DVD Menu Project

Adobe Encore Menu Templates Download Guides

Personalized DVDs are now easy to make thanks to the DVD authoring programs which are currently being sold in the market. The Adobe Encore is one of the best DVD editing applications you can use right now because of the software’s easy and straightforward interface and advance features. Whether you are a professional video producer who has been working in the video editing industry or simple fellow who wants to come up with a home DVD of your kid’s birthday, Adobe Encore is your friend and helper.

Adobe Encore DVD
Adobe Encore DVD is a software for DVD authoring developed by the premier software developer Adobe Systems. It was developed way back in 2000s where the first version was preloaded with amazing features intended to help video producers get their tasks done smoothly. Since then, the software went through a lot of changes wherein new features were included while bugs and errors were eliminated to help users process videos easily and smoothly. As of the moment, Adobe Encore is in its 6th version—the Encore CS6 where it is bundled and integrated with other Adobe System programs like Premiere Pro CS6, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Audition.

Using the Adobe Encore Template
One of the features in Encore is that you can come up with the most basic menu or the most radical one. This is achievable due to the wonderful menu guide available in the software. You can have a still menu or an animate one which you can develop on the Encore itself or you could take advantage of the other programs integrated in the software.
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While you can use simplified menu samples on the encore, you can also use templates which are available online. Incorporating readymade templates would make your job easier since you can just download them online and integrate on your project. The templates are professionally made and because of these, you won’t have to worry about getting mediocre results.
motion menu templates

Making personalized DVD is now possible using the Adobe Encore CS6 software. You can now make professional DVD at home without any problems or difficulty. The software makes it easy for you to produce DVD which you can later keep as memorabilia or handout to friends and relatives as souvenirs.

Producing your own video at home can be very challenging since this task requires specialized skills in video editing as well as tools that would allow you to build quality DVD. Even those who are adept with the process can encounter obstacles too since this is really a complicated task. However, by using a reliable video and DVD editing software you can reduce the task and make the whole process simpler and easier. One of the best DVD authoring programs right now is the Adobe Encore which simplifies everything so you can have a fun and wonderful time producing DVD at home.

What is Adobe Encore?
Adobe Encore is a software for DVD authoring developed by the premier computer software company Adobe Systems. This programs was developed for professionals as well as amateurs who have a knack for video editing and DVD authoring. What’s amazing about this program is that it makes it easy for you to process videos and develop DVDs because the features are astonishing while the interface is quite easy to navigate. For instance, you can import videos in whatever format because the application supports most popular video format such as MOV, MPEG, AVI, and much more. You can even add custom menus using your Adobe Photoshop application.

Adobe Encore Menu Templates
One of the features you can expect in Adobe Encore is the simplified DVD menus. In Encore, DVD menus are easy to do because there are so many tools that would allow you to create one plus you can also integrate your work on other Adobe applications like the Photoshop. You can work on the Photoshop then import it back in Encore wherein you can add more features on the menu using the available choices found in the program.

You can also add menu in Encore since it is preloaded with standard menu if you wish to come up a basic menu for your DVD or you can also enhance the menu such as in the case of moving menus using the menu template. You can also add video and audio assets if you desire a menu with motion background. Now if you are happy with the custom menu you just made, you can store them in the library panel along with other encore menu templates so you can use them on your future projects.

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