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adobe332 ([info]adobe332) wrote,
@ 2013-03-15 21:35:00

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Adobe Encore Motion Menu: Adobe Encore Menu Template—Creating Professional DVD Menus

Adobe Encore Menu Template Information

Creating personalized DVD is quite easy these days because of the availability of DVD authoring programs. Whether you are working on a project for a client or simply working on your homemade video of your kid’s birthday, this software is the most reliable tool you can have right now.

Adobe Encore DVD
Adobe Encore DVD is a DVD authoring software produced by the premier software company Adobe Systems. It was developed way back in 2000s where the first version was preloaded with amazing features intended to help video producers get their tasks done smoothly. Since then, the software underwent a lot of changes where new features were added while bugs and errors were eliminated. Currently, Adobe Encore is in its 6th generation—the Encore CS6 where it is bundled with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and it is integrated with other Adobe programs such as Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Audition to allow users to have fun and easy time using the program.

Using the Adobe Encore Template
One of the features you can find in the new version of Encore is that you can add a simple menu if you wish for a basic one or a moving menu if you like complex menu on your personal DVD. This is achievable due to the wonderful menu guide available in the software. Encore would even allow you to choose between a simple DVD menu or you animate it by taking advantage of the advance features included in the software.

You can make a basic menu for your DVD project but you can also enhance it using Encore templates you can download online. Incorporating readymade templates would make your job easier since you can just download them online and integrate on your project. The templates are professionally made and because of these, you won’t have to worry about getting mediocre results.
motion menu templates

Creating a homemade DVD is now possible via Adobe Encore CS6. You can even use this software if you wish to venture into video and DVD editing business. This is due to the fact that the software is so versatile that you can come up with quality DVD for personal use or for business purposes.

The process of creating DVD is really a complex task because it would require you to have the necessary skills and tools in order to succeed. Even those who are in the video or DVD making industry for quite some time can still encounter obstacles whenever they have projects. But that is currently a thing of the past since there are now reliable video and DVD editing software which can make the whole process of editing and sewing video clips plain and trouble-free. All you need to do is purchase and install the latest version of Adobe Encore and you can be sure that you will be producing quality DVDs from hereon.

What is Adobe Encore?
Adobe Encore is a software for DVD authoring developed by the premier computer software company Adobe Systems. Individuals who have skills but are new to this concept and professionals who have been in the business for so long can rely on this program when it comes to DVD authoring tasks. What’s amazing about this software is that it can simply the task so you can have a wonderful experience processing video and DVD. For instance, you can start immediately because the application supports a wide variety of video files such as MOV, MPEG, AVI, and many more. It is even integrated to other Adobe applications so you can easily customize your project.

Adobe Encore Menu Templates
You can create amazing DVD menus in Encore using the pre-packed menu templates which come with the software. You can make the most basic menu or the most complex one yet you will still find the experience amazing since the application makes it really easy to come up with a DVD menu. After editing custom menu in Photoshop, you can import your project in Encore where you can also add extra features to enhance your DVD menu.

You can also add preload menu samples which are included in the application if you wish to come up with a basic DVD menu or a complex one such as in the case of an animated DVD menu. If you want to create a more stunning menu then you should add video and audio assets if you wish a moving background.

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