A Cup or Two
25 January 2011 @ 11:14 pm
Rune, Berkano: Ívarr Randarson  
The card: This rune embodies mental, physical, and personal growth. It signifies new beginnings, renewal, new growth, the power of light and spring. It's merkstave (reversed meaning) signals family troubles, anxiety about those close, carelessness and loss of control. It also points to stagnation, blurring of consciousness, and deceit.

The man: Ívarr is a Rune (Berkano, the rune of renewal). He's the uncle of Sveinn and brother of Úlfr Randarson.

He fights in the Runic military. He has a knack for surviving the most unbelievable situations, in which anyone else would definitely have died.

He is at present unmarried and not certain if marriage is a good condition for a military man to be in. He adores his nephew however and would one day like to have a son of his own.