The card: Charming, self-confident, daring, adventurous, passionate. Popular, the center of attention, this card is someone who comes up with crazy ideas that somehow manage to work despite how wild they are. Not always sensitive to others feelings. Rarely on time. Very loyal to friends and his/her cultural upbringing.
The woman: Annegret, otherwise known as Anne is the fraternal twin of Jessika and younger sister of Odilia. Her younger brother Emil died. She has one other, younger brother Olie.
She served in the King's army during the Great War. She is the most responsible of the Ishild sisters.
She is a headstrong, confident warrior. She has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.
She lost one of her eyes in the Great War, but hasn't let it stop her. She trained and practiced regularly to balance the sudden loss of her depth perception and change in vision.
A Cup or Two - Post a comment
A Cup or Two (acuportwo) wrote on January 25th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
Knight of Staves: Annegret Ishild