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Someone wrote in [info]acgazjwlkv,
What do you want to do when you've finished? order domperidone ep The new Ford Focus 1.0 litre EcoBoost is an ultra efficient version that will be the first petrol powered family car in Europe to offer 99/km Co2 emissions. It will be exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty and London Congestion Charge. The new Ford Focus will feature Ford ECOnetic Technology including ultra-low rolling resistance tyres, unique aerodynamics under the car and revised gearing to help deliver the company’s most fuel-efficient ever petrol-powered family car. Barb Samardzich, European Product Development vice president said “just a couple of years ago few would have thought that a medium-sized petrol car could break the 100g/km CO 2  barrier, Ford’s 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine has a habit of taking expectations of what a petrol engine can deliver and turning them upside down.”

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