.x. Full moon in the dirty sky .x. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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-o1- [19 Dec 2010|08:25pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | INXS - - >> The Messenger ]

Decided to start - over... again I most likely wont update this much seeing as I already have two other journals I write in alot. But it couldn't hurt too have back -up. RIGHT?

I honestly don't know where too begin... I spent all day being hung -over, now I'm alive again withoutshame. I want all this to make sense, but sense is something I've lost through all my neglect. I realize I miss herI'm trying a new tactic these days. Getting over what I can't have. So far I'm failing, but it's still early. Tomorrow is another day where we don't speak. And I'm okay with tha. Even if I'm NOT... I'll pretend with a smile on my face. What choice do I have?

I Want To Die

[ viewing | December 19th, 2010 ]
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