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4.5 F00Lz

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Eli : [26 Apr 2013|09:36pm]
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Noah : [26 Apr 2013|06:52am]
I need another ten minutes sleep and a very large coffee and I might make it through today. At least it's Friday, last class ends at 3:15.
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Orion : [26 Apr 2013|06:42am]
'nother day, 'nother dollar.
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Elroy : [26 Apr 2013|06:39am]
Have a mentioned we're sharing my apartment now? Our apartment.

Christ, I'm hungover. I don't want to go to class at 8.
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Orion : [10 Apr 2013|05:23pm]
Eli, you see this? Call me.
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Noah : [10 Apr 2013|05:22pm]
Just a few more weeks. I can do this. I'm taking the summer off. Screw overtime. I need a mental health break.
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Vega : [10 Apr 2013|05:21pm]
Daddy is still my favorite person in this world but Leoma is fun to play with.
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Elroy : [10 Apr 2013|05:18pm]
I graduate in May. For good. No more schooling. I have it all planned out. I'm going to make a scene at the ceremony.
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Eli : [10 Apr 2013|04:59pm]
I fucking love summer time. I know it's only spring but this weather is like summer compared to the cold ass winter we had. If I can talk Kurt into leaving Leoma with Oakley for a few days, I really want to get away for a while.
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Eli : [15 Jun 2012|01:49pm]
So my best friends kid bailed on school today and I agreed not to tell her dad... does this make me an enabler?
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Rion : [22 May 2012|06:38pm]
My darling Vega is the best daughter a guy could ask for. She's perfect and reminds me so much of her mother.
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Noah : [22 May 2012|06:37pm]
Another three weeks and I have the next two and a half months off. I can do this. I am tired but I've done it before (granted, without Roy around). I can do this. I might even be able to sucker the kid into helping me grade essays for the frosh.
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Roy : [22 May 2012|06:37pm]
Finals week.
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Eli : [22 May 2012|06:36pm]
I wish Kurt would just open his god damned eyes and see what the hell he's got right in front of him.
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Roy : [20 Apr 2012|09:01pm]
Really, what am I doing?
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Eli : [20 Apr 2012|08:52pm]
Son of a bitch I'm too old for this. Haha.
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Noah : [14 Apr 2012|02:20am]
*fumes* I am just so done with everything. Not even 2:30 into Saturday and my whole fucking weekend is ruined. I'm just tired of being walked all over and this is fucking insanely childish drama I don't have to deal with. I am shutting my phone off until Monday. I have no other choice. I don't want to be bothered. I just wanted a quick fuck, I got a drawn out fight and was ditched at a bar, with the tab. I need to scream. And punch something/one.
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Noah : [11 Apr 2012|10:18pm]
I could just walk away. I know I could.
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Orion : [11 Apr 2012|10:14pm]
I am so lost with everything other than work... I don't even know what the hell is going on.
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Roy : [11 Apr 2012|10:06pm]
Fuck. fucky. fucker. fucking. fucken. fuckme. fuckit. FUCK.
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