Darkest Night Ideas
Keiran- Since he is a Lantern he would probably be my main character in this plot. I'm pretty open for what goes on him with and would like to see more of the plot first before I decide what to do with him.
Important possible Black Lanterns- His Wife
Max- I can throw him in with whatever the Outsiders Darkest night sub plot is and could have him use the medaitation to let go of all emotion becoming invisable to Black Lanterns something he is easily capiable of with some work.
Important possible Black Lanterns- Possibly Helena or Uncle Sal
Jerry- Jerry could be a major player in this plot if people want because of his ablitiy to teleport both himself and things away from him including say a ring. Though something that small would take some work for him at a distance.
Important possible Black Lanterns-
Mike- Mike can help out with what ever Shadow Pact ends up doing in this plot. His nature could really mess with the black lanterns.
Important possible Black Lanterns-
Maxine- Maxine can support the YJLA if needed and other teams or just the bat family as needed. Only fight would occur if a black Lantern made their way into the Bat Cave which could be a cool fight for Maxine and Bruce more smarts and less physical.
Important possible Black Lanterns-
Vic- Vic is definitly capable of using meditation to let go of emotions and becoming invisable to black lanterns. He could help out with the titians or if theres a Black Lantern Lady Shiva that fight even O-Sensei if we want a really scary fight.
Important possible Black Lanterns- Lady Shiva, O-Sensei, or
Mikey- Mikey would be helping the JSA out and could provide Cosmic energy or Mechanical help if needed for that plot. Possibliy attacks from Slyvester or Helena Wayne(she was buried on new earth).
Important possible Black Lanterns- Syvester Pemberton
Marcus- It would be neat to see marcus have to fight some of the people he has killed and possibly his mother if I'm feeling really mean.
Important possible Black Lanterns-
Buffy- I don't really see a need to involve her with this plot unless the raiderettes become involved some how.
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