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Kieran Grey

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Blackest Night Plot Direction [19 Oct 2010|03:53pm]
Kieran's wife Lynn dies suddenly never having woken up from her coma leaving him heartbroken and inconsolable. After about a month his younger brother comes to town tell him that he can come back to the family and just forget about all that has happen. His real reason for wanting Kieran is that he doesn't want the responsibility that comes with being the family heir. Kieran tell him no his place is here.

Kieran can help out with the rest of the lanterns in blackest night. Lynn gets brought back as a black lantern to deal with Kieran. When faced with her he will be unable to fight her and might attack anyone who attacks her. After a while when he comes to grips with what has happened to his wife decides to do something reckless and maybe a bit stupid.

He decides to use his rings power to connect hearts to attempt to bring her back to life connecting their hearts. At first it does not seem to work and the black lantern version of his wife taunts him about it. But he doesn't give up and tell the lantern he loves her and actually gives her a kiss then sudden they become enveloped in Violet light. The ring explodes off of Lynn hand having been filled with love and violet light bringing her back to life.
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[ viewing | October 19th, 2010 ]
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