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Kieran Grey

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [13 Feb 2013|04:28pm]
Kieran Grey- Star Sapphire


L1- Ring Blast- Single target ranged energy attack. High Crits.

L2- Crystallization- Single target ranged attack. Causes creeping crystallization and at three stack causes total crystallization.

L6- Violet Shields- Team Buff. Causes Violet shield which when destroyed causes dizzy and a stack of creeping crystallization.

L9- Violet Constructs- Targets all opponents with a ranged energy attacks. Give Kieran Power of Love buff which increases all stats. 3 turn cool down. Starts off cooled down.
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Indigo Tribe [11 Feb 2011|11:45pm]


Name: Formerly Kol Jar Mon

History: Kol comes from an ice world at the far edge of the galaxy. He was always helping out people who were unprepared for or just didn’t have the money to deal with the climate of his world even though he did not have much money him. His genuine compassion for others even when it was not within his own best interest to do so attracted an indigo ring to him. He often acts as a go-between between the indigo tribe and the other lanterns when needed but typically stays with the tribe otherwise.

Abilities: Kol is well trained in how to use the power of indigo light and is especially skilled at teleportation. Kol is also immune to the effect of cold and finds most planets that beings live on especially hot.
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Star Sapphires [31 Jan 2011|02:28am]

Name: The Griffin


History: The Griffin was freed during the Titans of Myths event where it attack Paris the City of Love. Star Sapphire Kieran Grey imprisoned it in a Star Sapphire conversion Crystal and brought it back to Zamaron. To the surprise of many a few months later the griffin emerged from the crystal violet having been converted to the Star Sapphires. It has since gone out into the universe to spread love throughout the universe even if it has to do so by force.

The Griffin is not especially skilled with the more complex uses of the Star Sapphire ring but can use them if it really needs too. It prefers using brute force or combine the rings power with its natural skill making it a rather dangerous opponent though it not prefers to spread love rather than make war if possible.



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Lynn Grey [28 Jan 2011|07:50pm]
Name: Lynn Grey
PB: Amy Acker
Abilities: Went to college to teach High School English.
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Blackest Night Plot Direction [19 Oct 2010|03:53pm]
Kieran's wife Lynn dies suddenly never having woken up from her coma leaving him heartbroken and inconsolable. After about a month his younger brother comes to town tell him that he can come back to the family and just forget about all that has happen. His real reason for wanting Kieran is that he doesn't want the responsibility that comes with being the family heir. Kieran tell him no his place is here.

Kieran can help out with the rest of the lanterns in blackest night. Lynn gets brought back as a black lantern to deal with Kieran. When faced with her he will be unable to fight her and might attack anyone who attacks her. After a while when he comes to grips with what has happened to his wife decides to do something reckless and maybe a bit stupid.

He decides to use his rings power to connect hearts to attempt to bring her back to life connecting their hearts. At first it does not seem to work and the black lantern version of his wife taunts him about it. But he doesn't give up and tell the lantern he loves her and actually gives her a kiss then sudden they become enveloped in Violet light. The ring explodes off of Lynn hand having been filled with love and violet light bringing her back to life.
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Darkest Night Ideas [09 Sep 2010|10:39am]

Keiran- Since he is a Lantern he would probably be my main character in this plot. I'm pretty open for what goes on him with and would like to see more of the plot first before I decide what to do with him.

Important possible Black Lanterns- His Wife

Max- I can throw him in with whatever the Outsiders Darkest night sub plot is and could have him use the medaitation to let go of all emotion becoming invisable to Black Lanterns something he is easily capiable of with some work.

Important possible Black Lanterns- Possibly Helena or Uncle Sal

Jerry- Jerry could be a major player in this plot if people want because of his ablitiy to teleport both himself and things away from him including say a ring. Though something that small would take some work for him at a distance.

Important possible Black Lanterns-

Mike- Mike can help out with what ever Shadow Pact ends up doing in this plot. His nature could really mess with the black lanterns.

Important possible Black Lanterns-

Maxine- Maxine can support the YJLA if needed and other teams or just the bat family as needed. Only fight would occur if a black Lantern made their way into the Bat Cave which could be a cool fight for Maxine and Bruce more smarts and less physical.

Important possible Black Lanterns-

Vic- Vic is definitly capable of using meditation to let go of emotions and becoming invisable to black lanterns. He could help out with the titians or if theres a Black Lantern Lady Shiva that fight even O-Sensei if we want a really scary fight.

Important possible Black Lanterns- Lady Shiva, O-Sensei, or

Mikey- Mikey would be helping the JSA out and could provide Cosmic energy or Mechanical help if needed for that plot. Possibliy attacks from Slyvester or Helena Wayne(she was buried on new earth).

Important possible Black Lanterns- Syvester Pemberton

Marcus- It would be neat to see marcus have to fight some of the people he has killed and possibly his mother if I'm feeling really mean.

Important possible Black Lanterns-

Buffy- I don't really see a need to involve her with this plot unless the raiderettes become involved some how.
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Test Scene [05 May 2010|02:50am]

Kieran was flying towards New York City. He was in his Star Sapphire uniform which while quiet conservative for a member of his corps he still felt a little uncomfortable wearing out in public. His ring had told him that a Star Sapphire was in the area and wanted to meet with him at the location he was heading to now the top of the Statue of Liberty. He wasn’t sure why she wanted to meet with him and he had only met a few others in passing since he had the ring but this was the first time that one had requested to meet with him that wasn’t Dirael.

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App [02 May 2010|02:42am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Kieran Grey
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6” tall and 170lbs. Kieran had brown hair and Green Eyes.
Age: 26
Birthday: December 3
Codename (if using one): None
PB: (If using one.) Casey Affleck

Abilities: The standard Star Sapphire ring capabilities. This includes aura generation, construct making, flying, crystal imprisonment that converts other ring users to Star Sapphires, detect love in jeopardy and create a connection to the hearts those people, So the image of a person’s true love, teleport, if construct is destroyed it releases a disorienting dust, Bring back the recently deceased by drawing the power of the heart of someone who loves them, read peoples hearts, in addition to the other abilities standard to ring users

Weaknesses and flaws: Does not understand the full capabilities of the ring. Without the ring is a powerless normal human. The ring require being recharged in order to continue being used.

Character location/Home: Gotham
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: None
Relatives (living/dead?): Lynn Harper-Grey(Wife), Richard Grey(Father), Kayla Grey(Mother), a younger brother and two younger sisters

Backstory: Kieran was born into a wealthy English noble family and was the first born son. Kieran was given anything he wanted as a child though he did not become a spoiled brat and was a kind, gentle, and caring child. As he got older his parents started grooming him to take over the family business and become a lawyer. Kieran did what his parents told him but his heart was never in it and did it half heartedly.

His life changed forever at a chance meeting with Lynn Harper, she was beautiful, smart, caring, and didn’t care that he was rich and going places. For both of them it was love at first sight and for Kieran who was used to being able to have any woman he wanted but he didn’t want to do anything like that with her. Kieran courted Lynn for a long time before going out on a real date something that Lynn was not used to at all coming from a poor family. It took Kieran a while to work up the courage to introduce Lynn to his parents while they were not happy that their son was dating someone of such lower class than him, but let him continue with their relationship thinking it was a passing thing.

Kieran started college in prelaw at an Ivy league school though he was very unhappy about it when Lynn convinced him that if he was unhappy with the path his life was taking then he should do something about because it was his life. After that Kieran confronted his parent on this, telling them that he wanted to get a job helping people, while Lynn supported him. His parent were furious and told him point blank that he was to dump Lynn and never see her again and that he was to go back to college for prelaw just like his parents had planned for him or they would disown him and he would never be allowed to come home again. He told them no and the kicked him out and told him he had a half an hour to get his things.

Kieran was hurt badly by how things had gone between him and his parents but Lynn was there for him and he knew that as long as they had each other he knew that they would be ok. Kieran and Lynn both got jobs while they supported their way through college. Kieran worked hard on a double major in education and psychology to become a school guidance counselor while Lynn worked on becoming a teacher. In the fall of their senior year using money he had managed to save and scrounge up to by a diamond engagement ring and proposed to Lynn, she said yes and they spent their first night together.

During the July of the following their graduation Kieran and Lynn were married it was a small wedding and only a few member of Kieran family showed up for the wedding.  They went for a week long honeymoon down in Aruba. While driving back to their hotel their car was struck by a drunk driver and their car spun out of control and flipped over. Kieran was badly hurt with a concussion and a broken arm and leg but Lynn was not so lucky and was left in a coma. Kieran was devastated by what had happen to his wife it left him a major depression but the job that he had gotten with Lynn at a Gotham public school as a guidance counselor helped him get over it by helping him get over his issues by helping out the kids.

Kieran visited the hospital everyday spending time with Lynn telling her about his day, reading to her, and just talking to her. He quickly became a fixture at the hospital and got to know all the doctors and nurses in the wing his wife was in. He kept doing this even after 3 years unfazed and unchanging still deeply devoted to her which surprised the staff with how consistent he was even after all this time and how unlike it was that she would ever wake up.

His love for his wife attracted to attention of a nearby Star Sapphire who observed him for a month as he interacted with the kids at his school, his wife, and all the other people around him. This attracted the of the Star Sapphires and after much discussion the Zamarons decided to give him a ring and had one of the Zamaron do so personally since this would be the first Male Star Sapphire that they had ever appointed.

The Zamaron, Dirael, arrive freaked out Kieran who had never actually met an alien before but Dirael calmed him down enough to talk to him about that she was offering which he could forget about all of this and very deal with this choice again or he could accept the ring and help save love like that he shared with his wife but it was entirely his choice and he was the only one who could make the choice to put on the ring, but the most important thing was for him to listen to what his heart told him to do.

When Kieran put the ring on the power it had almost over whelmed him but his wife word about how he was in control of his own life gave him the strength to fight back and take control over the ring and not the other way around.  The Zamaron gave Kieran a basic lesson in what the ring could do and let him know that if he had any questions he could ask the ring and then left but first told him that the most important thing he could do with his new found power was to follow his heart.

While he was in control of the ring he still felt its pull to protect true love. While many Star Sapphire’s would have used their powers to take direct action he took a more subtle and controlled approach just talking to them and starting couples consulting to help pay the bills and help preserve  love. Thus far he has not really interacted with any of the other Lantern Corps and has only has minimal interaction with the other Star Sapphire's mainly with the Zamaron who gave him the ring though this is due to him not leaving the planet.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:  He is a high school guidance counselor and would be able to interact with people as students.
What are you planning to do with this character? He can help and advise people with they need it on live, future, problems, and love issues.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Issues with his wife, his family, other star sapphires and other lantern corps

Please include a sample post/scene
Also a Test scene- here

Kieran brought a bouquet of tulips to replace to flowers he had gotten for Lynn last week. Tulips had been her favorite spring flower and if she woke up he wanted her to have some to show how much he cared for her if he wasn’t there when she woke up.

He worked hard to get Lynn a room to herself and he had it set in a way that he thought she would like. When he got into the room he walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before replacing the flowers he had gotten for her.

He then sat down in the chair by her bed and opened the book he had been reading to her The Great Gatsby. After doing that for an hour or so he started talking to her telling her about his day, how much he missed her, and just small talk.


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