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Uchiha Izuna ([info]4amforever) wrote,
@ 2010-05-08 18:27:00

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[long, long, yesterday when the sun was high up in the sky and Izuna was still alive, back when he was still young and more importantly, alive. did I say alive? because yeah, not dead.]

[comes back to their hotel room they have been staying at with a huge grin and the indiscriminate brown paper bag under his arm, the same hand sporting another bag that has a nice aroma coming from it. took a couple of guesses to get back here since they move around so much, going to previous hotels by mistake.] Aniki? [calls out and looks around. maybe he is out.] Aniki? [puts the bags down on the cheap wooden table the place supplied and first goes to the bathroom to look for him because let's face it, there is a bathroom, a main living area and a bed. not many places to look.]

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