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Wendi Tyler

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Character Education and career goals [12 Jun 2011|09:44pm]
Inspired by Matt's post... my own list.  (order comes from journal names)

Marvel NG

Johnny Walker: High school grad, SHIELD academy training and on-going education.

Rikki Cargill: Genoshan educational system graduate.

Andrea: GED, currently enrolled in the elementary education program at ESU.

Michelle Clarke: home schooled high school grad, currently bartender at a vampire themed bar called Fangtasia.

Joe Marko: Xaiver's graduate, college drop out.  Has an electrician's, carpenter's, and plumber's license.

Sydney Davis: Masters degree in electrical engineering

Magneta: High school education, self-taught beyond that.

Asleif: Significant education in the arcane arts; apprenticed under multiple sorcerers and sorceresses of the realm.

Stevie Barton: High school grad (C+ average in most classes, except for auto shop), no plans for college (especially not in an alternate world)

Dawn Roberts: Masters degree in library science. 

Grogg: honorary "degree" from a Tokyo elementary school.

Rachel Summers: part of the class of 2011 Xaiver's graduating class, likely ESU attendee in the fall.

Mina Wagner: current student at Xaiver's.

"Rocket" Red Panda: Traditional Halfworld sleep education

Marrina: High school graduate, looking at furthering her education, sometime spent with Atlantean tutors.

Argo: hands on education in life and heroing in Olympus

Steve Barton: High school grad, undecided about pursuing further education.

Toni Rhodes: high school grad.  Rejected at several NYC colleges during the time she was outed as a mutant.  Considering returning.

Rose Logan: Xaiver's grad in own universe, no interest in further education.  Family-taught in various languages and sneaky bits.


Wendi Tyler: High school grad, currently enrolled in an art school.

Alura Dox: educated in the 31st Century

Dinah Kord: Graduated top of her class at Gotham Heights College Prep Academy, heading off to college in the fall.

Cat Grant Associates degree in business management, operates a franchise branch of Dinah (Black Canary)'s Sherwood Florist.

Victoria Craft: College grad; first grade teacher.

Avia Free: High school grad, small number of community college courses, now touring full-time in between heroics.

Lindsey Majors: College grad with a degree in journalism.

Robin Kane: High school student

Aleea Strange: Educated on Rann

Joey Mason: High school education via private tutors.

Jenn, Daughter of Saturn: Royal tutors on Saturn.

Traya Smith: High school grad from a prestigious boarding school, currently studying Meteorology at Metropolis University.

Alphonse Vertigo: educated in European boarding schools.

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Siblings [24 Oct 2010|08:32pm]
All of the Tyler children have tested positive for the metagene, though Wendi is so far the only one to demonstrate any actual abilities.

Isabelle "Belle" Tyler
Age: 16

Belle, so named after Grandma Libby's old codename, is a bit more outgoing than her older sister, with significantly fewer hang-ups, having a fairly active dating life (in spite of Rick's occasional threats towards what he might do if a boy steps out of line).  A junior in high school, she is a varsity Cheerleader, and is currently dating a football player. 

Powers: Though her metagene remains inactive so far, Belle apparently possesses the ability to generate and manipulate sound waves.

Danette Tyler
Age: 14

Danette, named after a friend of all the grandparents, is the most studious of the Tyler children, and is a freshman in high school.  She is on the debate team, freshman class president, and on the student council.  Academically gifted and with a good amount of sense, she's been pegged as the child most likely to take over the running of the various companies one day.

Powers: Like her siblings, Danette's metagene is inactive, but when it does, she will possess super-speed flight.

Matthew Tyler
Age: 10

Named for the android Hourman, Matthew is a typical ten year old boy. He likes baseball and army men and video games and making life as annoying for his older sisters as possible.

Powers: Matthew has tested positive for the metagene, and when his does kick in (hopefully not for a long time), it is likely we will develop super-human strength.

Beth Tyler
Age: 1

Named for Beth Chapel, a friend of Rick's and late member of Infinity, Inc., Beth was a bit of an oops baby, coming several years after the last child was born, but she is a happy, healthy baby (her favorite word right now is "ball"), who has just recently started walking.

Powers: Beth has tested positive for the metagene, but it is too early to predict what form that will take.

Age: Not yet born

Jesse is currently 3 months pregnant, with the baby expected to be born sometime between March and April.
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Injustice Unlimited part two [29 Sep 2010|09:31pm]
More for the JSA villain-group!


cut to hide the awesome! )

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Injustice Unlimited (JSA baddies) [24 Sep 2010|08:20pm]


The Wizard

Real Name: Oswald Zard

Age: 45


The son of the Wizard and an unknown mother, raised far away from modern society, Oswald Zard grew up deeply admiring his father.  Everything he learned and did was to impress him.  It was never enough, never good enough for the old man, but still Oswald kept at it.  When his father did finally pass away after a life time of battling the Justice Society, Oswald vowed to continue on his mission, promising that this Wizard would defeat the accursed Justice Society once and for all.  To that end, he has assembled the latest generation of super-villains with ties to the JSA or their enemies.


Powers: The Wizard’s possesses a certain degree of natural magical talent, enhanced by three magical artifacts:  the Cloak of Spirits, which confers invisibility, intangibility, flight and teleportation on its wearer; the Glove of Power, which grants incredible strength and vitality; and the Power Stone, which allows the wearer to animate and control inanimate matter.


Pb—Vincent Prince





Snow Leopard

Real name: Carmen Mahkent

Age: 20


The daughter of the second Icicle and the Tigress, Carmen’s life can easily be described as a twisted mirror of that of many of the JSA-kids.  Raised by villains instead of heroes, she was brought into the family life with amazing easy.  Though more or less willing to take on any other heroes, Carmen has made the personal decision that the Tyler family is off-limits, due to Rick and Jesse helping to find an artifact which insured that her birth would not harm her mother.  Like her father before her, there might just be a small spot of heroism in her.


Powers: Snow Leapord can generate and control ice; she can create blasts of cold, ice missiles and walls of ice from ambient moisture, as well as forming sleet, snow, and freezing rain.  A skilled fighter and tracker as well, she uses a crossbow for which she supplies her own ice-formed arrows.





Rock Star

Real Name: Christopher Simmons

Age: 21


The grandson of the Fiddler, Christopher inherited his grandfather’s ability to use music for magical effects, but knew nothing of his grandmother for most of his life, until one day, practicing with his garage band, his accidentally warped the music and inadvertently caused his bandmates to go crazy and kill each other.  Initially distraught, Chris discovered he enjoyed the power over others he had.  Found by the Wizard, he was easily recruited into the new Injustice Unlimited.


Powers: Rock Star possesses magical abilities that he channels through his guitar. The musical vibrations he creates can shatter solid objects, create force-fields and hypnotize others due to the sheer amount of sub-level bass.


Pb—Peter Criss



Samantha Grundy

Age: 4


During one battle with the Justice Society, Solomon Grundy was again destroyed and though he would rise again, seeds taken from his plant-like body were taken by the Sunderland Corporation (who had once experimented upon the Swamp Thing) and experimented upon.  Planted, one of these seeds grew into a creature all its own, female in shape, and nick-named Samantha Grundy by one of the researchers on the project, it soon became apparent that this creature was much smarter than Solomon Grundy ever was.  It escaped from containment and destroyed the lab and killed the researchers, briefly becoming something of a local urban legend, before being recruited into the Wizard’s new team.


Powers: Samantha Grundy possesses incredible strength and durability that are mystical in nature.






Real Name: Sylvia Bones

Age: 20


Sylvia is one of the few dark spots in her generation of JSA-connected children.  The daughter of reformed super-criminals Mister Bones (now director of the DEO) and Penny Dreadful, Sylvia was trouble from a very young age, frequently in trouble at school and rebelling against any kind of authority.  She soon fell in with a bad crowd and ran away from home at seventeen, dropping off the map in spite of her father’s best efforts to find her.  The metahuman abilities she discovered during that time enabled her to live a life of petty crime, which did eventually attract attention and lead to her incarceration… until she was freed by the Wizard.


Powers: Shock possesses the ability to generate electricity from her body.  When she does so, her skin, muscles, organs, and tissues become transparent, giving her the appearance of a walking skeleton.


Pb—Tara Mackey




Real Name: Frederick Richards (host body)/Roger Hayden (mind)

Age: 26 (Richards)


A former security guard at the New York Museum of Natural History where the Medusa Mask, belonging to the previous Pyscho-Pirate Roger Hayden was being stored following Hayden’s death, Fred felt a strange compulsion one night to put the mask on and was transformed into the Psycho-Pirate.  Hayden had not, in fact, died, but simply transferred his consciousness to the mask, waiting for someone to put the Mask on.  His spirit now housed in a new body, Hayden is ready to continue carrying out his revenge against the Justice Society by killing their children.


Hayden remains one of the few individuals to actively remember the pre-Crisis universe.


Powers: Using the Medusa Mask, the Psycho Pirate is able to project emotions into people. Often, it seems to intensify emotions a person already feels, no matter how small.  His power has been shown to work on individuals as well as large crowds.



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