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User:shestiorka (18513)
Name:Igor Karkaroff
Bio:Igor, 22, is the oldest of two children. His sister attends Durmstrang. His father left when he was nine, about the time Igor's mother, his sister, and he fled Russia for Finland. At the age of eleven, Igor attended Durmstrang. Currently he is living on his savings, trying to enjoy life until he feels a need for a career. Igor speaks English, Russian, German, and Finnish.

ly3k 0mG s0 t0tali n0t 4r3alz Guiz!
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Communities3:valesco, valesco_history, valesco_ooc
Friend of:77: a_bit_twisted, alaspooryorick, alectos, almondjoy, amarylliss, amelias, andromynous, bletchleys, braith, branstone, brianana, brute, cecilias, chasingquixotic, clutzy, dev_ious, eugenias, fabulously_fab, faithlesslyre, gillant, graeme_cracker, hath_no_fury, headbitch, hewetted, houseofleaves, idleellipsis, ingrids, isthesun, judes, kiska, letspretendxo, lucys, lysdexia, maintains, maneater, marlie, marridgeback, misschloe, missusprongs, misterwormtail, mmmsodreamy, mymeredith, naijas, nicoles, notagrapefruit, notorious, obtineo, ottothisworld, pantsoptional, priddy, primrosepath, priyaranjan, rocksuperstar, samuels, shestiorka, silex, smethy, snaked, sopriddy, stubbywubby, takeachance, teds, toad_like, tootytoot, tricked_out, unhooked, veevee, vigilance, westisbest, whistle, whitby, winsome_wizard, witchtrial, wrong_kind, youresovane, yoursovane, zabinissimo
Account type:Early Free User

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