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◘ я j f ◘ ([info]ralphed) wrote,
@ 2008-01-10 21:11:00

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ralph jackson frobisher

age: 23 [august 9, 1961]
heritage: muggleborn
year/house: alumnus/gryffindor
quidditch: beater
wand: hazel, general, 10", unicorn hair
wand hand: right
occupation: ucl student
political alliance: order [member]

pet: owl [howl]
mother: darcy [nee ferngully]
father: jack merridew
wife: miranda frobisher
child: victoria [8.7.83]

height: 5' 10"
defining marks: thick lips, freckles, black hair
disabilities: rather slow when it comes to 'getting' some things
appearance: 1 2 3

home: london, england
birthplace: swansea, wales
first sign of magic: [he] exploded a spider that was on his bed--- his pillow to be exact, after waking up to it being inches away from his face.
patronous: raccoon
boggart: spiders

first impression: "ralph.... oh, ralph merridew."
in depth:
pet peeve:

personal history: Ralph had a normal upbringing, with a normal family and a normal life. He didn't exactly like school, but he had friends that made waking up early and beging bored all day managable.

Everything changed, of course, when he got his Hogwarts letter.

astrology:This is a natural sign for Gryffindors, not least because the griffin is part lion. Gryffindors born under this sign are outgoing, friendly, affectionate, and likable. They make friends easily and are crushed when their advances are rejected. Their romantic, chivalrous nature makes them perfect examples of all that is best in their House. However, they are also bossy, domineering, spendthrift, and overly dramatic (ever heard the phrase "drama queen?") They have sharp tempers and need to learn to direct their anger toward only needful causes. The natural creativity and flamboyance of Leo makes Gryffindors born under this sign good at most everything they attempt, provided they apply themselves to learning magic rather than using magic to hog the limelight.

pb: eddie redmayne
lyrics: so, in this hour...; the rocket summer

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