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c l a r i c e ([info]clarabella) wrote,
@ 2008-01-20 01:04:00

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She's so--
Stupid, so stupid
----And she won't listen and what if
-Bwahhh I need to get out

Hugh and Sarah please avoid the following text:

I have the weekend off and need to go out. And do things like get pissed and laid! SADLY, NEITHER HAS HAPPENED IN QUITE A BIT GOD

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2008-01-20 07:13 am UTC (link)
You need to go to a club and get laid.

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2008-01-20 07:17 am UTC (link)
Oh Malcolm. You are so wise.

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2008-01-20 07:26 am UTC (link)
I am very wise, you should listen to me. Going out and finding a cute bloke to shag should be on the top of everyone's to do lists.

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2008-01-20 07:28 am UTC (link)
Ew Maybe not everyone's. Not everyone's like that.

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2008-01-20 07:33 am UTC (link)
you're straight! Great.

Everyone needs to try it at least once. We'd have a lot less cranky people.

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2008-01-20 07:42 am UTC (link)
Or you'd have a lot more. Some people do prefer girls to being buggered up the ass boys, after all.

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2008-01-20 07:45 am UTC (link)
Most people don't know what they really want until it's showed to them.

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2008-01-20 07:49 am UTC (link)
And some people do know what they want and being shown something else proves that what they wanted originally is still what they want. And I just read

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2008-01-20 07:54 am UTC (link)
But they still need to be shown that something else.

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2008-01-20 07:58 am UTC (link)
Then go use your social lubricant and show that something to someone willing to look while you play bodyguard. And don't come back to the Leaky Cauldron. Your patronage is not appreciated.

Good night and good bye.

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2008-01-20 08:00 am UTC (link)
My apologies if I've offended your precious sensibilities.

Have a nice evening.

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2008-01-20 08:02 am UTC (link)
For the record? You haven't.

And you, too.

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2008-01-20 08:15 am UTC (link)
Good to know.

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2008-01-20 07:30 am UTC (link)
Finding the cute bloke's the easy part, it's the whole not mucking it up and getting them to want to take you home that's the deal breaker.

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2008-01-20 07:32 am UTC (link)
That is where the social lubricant comes in.

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2008-01-20 07:35 am UTC (link)
Oh Merlin. Does that mean you want to tag along?

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2008-01-20 07:37 am UTC (link)
If you don't go out and bag that bloke you've been talking about, I will.

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2008-01-20 07:38 am UTC (link)

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2008-01-20 07:39 am UTC (link)
I meant alcohol, but thank you for thinking of me like that! I wouldn't really fit in at your clubs, I don't think.

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2008-01-20 07:43 am UTC (link)
You could come for the alcohol and the dancing and the job of being my bodyguard :( And and

and maybe your animal magnetism will bring a few straight ones my way and then we'll both win!

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2008-01-20 07:51 am UTC (link)
Well if you sure you need a bodyguard, I could use a drink or two.

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2008-01-20 07:54 am UTC (link)

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2008-01-20 07:55 am UTC (link)
No disco, please. I am not in the mood for that.

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2008-01-20 07:27 am UTC (link)
So go do them instead of just writing about how you need to do them. That never gets anything done.

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2008-01-20 07:29 am UTC (link)
Aren't you a big ball of sunshine?

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2008-01-20 07:33 am UTC (link)
Aren't you a big ball of stupid? You say pessimistic in a sarcastic manner, I say practical.

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2008-01-20 07:36 am UTC (link)
Mayyyyybe I was trying to see if I could collect any invites to go out and do something? Hm? Ever cross your pessimistic, sarcastic mind?

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2008-01-20 07:38 am UTC (link)
Maybe you should learn to be a bit more forward and invite people yourself instead of waiting around, hoping someone might ask you. That ever cross you assuming little mind?

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2008-01-20 07:41 am UTC (link)
Erm, actually, I do all the time, and for you to aimlessly wander into my journal and start attacking me really gives you no bloody platform to preach.

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2008-01-20 07:44 am UTC (link)
I didn't start attacking. I merely stated you should go do those things then and that just stating you need to do things doesn't get anything done. You're the one who started assuming things with your balls of sunshine and pessimistic, sarcastic mind comments. You're the one who got defensive over an attempt at conversation.

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2008-01-20 07:48 am UTC (link)
One, it was a rude comment to begin with, so even if it wasn't your intention to start a fight, then you need to work on your people skills because you're just going to end up pissing off more people. Two, I managed to snag me a good time tonight so, ha, you're wrong.

And I'm done, ta ta, go be happy!

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2008-01-20 07:53 am UTC (link)
It's not my fault if people are easily offended by innocent comments. Also, I never said you wouldn't or couldn't. I said "maybe you should". There's a difference. Learn to read and stop assuming things.


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2008-01-21 12:05 pm UTC (link)
What is your problem?

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2008-01-21 06:44 pm UTC (link)
My only problem is everyone assuming I have a problem and that I'm being rude. Oh, and brothers apparently taking sides with

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2008-01-21 11:04 pm UTC (link)
Well, I think the only time they think you're being rude is when you say things that could come off as being rude if they don't know exactly how you meant them.

I just don't want Clara being upset, she's a good friend of mine. And I don't want you being upset either, because you're my brother. So...yeah.

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2008-01-20 07:34 am UTC (link)
I hope I'm not avoiding that text because you can't stand to see my appallingly horrible face or tolerate my dismal personality.

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2008-01-20 07:37 am UTC (link)
Noooooooo, I love your adorable face and your bubbly personality! But I shall be talking of things that go on in a single girl's life that her brother and wonderful wife should avoid.

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2008-01-20 07:41 am UTC (link)
I resent this! You make us sound all old and codgery. I, if not Hugh also to some extent, am aware completely of what goes on in the life of a single girl!

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2008-01-20 07:42 am UTC (link)
But ewwwww, you're not allowed to think about that stuff anymore! That's just wrong.

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2008-01-20 07:46 am UTC (link)
Are you attempting to say that I am not still hip and with-it? We're a very cool married couple that is there to go out with our sister when she needs help picking up men.

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2008-01-20 07:50 am UTC (link)
I think the cuteness you and Hugh exude would totally ruin the sexy affect I'm trying to give off.

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2008-01-20 07:55 am UTC (link)
I'm totally not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment.

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