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DoLoHoV | LuCi ([info]letspretendxo) wrote,
@ 2008-02-08 16:25:00

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I think the worst holiday in the history of wizarding-kind is Valentine's Day. There is nowhere to eat because everyone who normally sits at home on their fat arses reading the post or the news or something stupid like that, has made reservations they're going to cancel anyway at my favorite restaurants leaving me to eat at someone's house. That and men at this time of year think you owe them something extra - like I can control that every 14th of February some dick-wad's idea of a joke takes us on full throttle. Whoever the git was that came up with this obscene holiday that causes women to swoon after every good-looking swag who walks by should be dipped in chocolate, rolled in candied hearts and be torn apart by every love sick fool who believes in the celebration of love.


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2008-02-08 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Bitter, much?

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2008-02-08 11:50 pm UTC (link)
To be bitter would imply I want to be in love. Or that I'm jealous of say, someone who just recently made a horrible match and got married to an imbecile.

I'm not.

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2008-02-08 11:53 pm UTC (link)
Oh, yes, an absolutely dreadful match, I was about to write an angst-filled entry about woe is me I'm so miserable and sad and you all should be too.


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2008-02-08 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Salazar Slytherin don't get you panties all up in a bunch. Lighten up Rowle Mulciber.

That's weird, calling you Mulciber. John's a pretty cool guy. You're a pretty hot girl. You're a pretty girl. It works. Calm your shit down.

Those of us who are single have every right to be miserable if we want. Especially those of us who are single by choice.

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2008-02-09 12:00 am UTC (link)
Mulciber, that's ri-- You know, you don't have to be miserable because you're single. I think Valentine's is enough of a friendship holiday as well if you have any-- I would take my girls out if I didn't have a husband to keep busy with. And even then I may.

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2008-02-09 12:06 am UTC (link)
I like being taken out actually.

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