Welcome back to school, ladies and gentlemen. Spirit Week and Homecoming are almost upon us! It is my pleasure to inform you that anonymous nominations are now being accepted in the Headmistress's office for Homecoming King and Queen. These nominations will be accepted until Friday September 24th at the end of the day. These nominees are to be students grade 11 through 12 and nominations can not be declined. Please respond here with your nominations Friday at the end of the day. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please address them to the office of the Headmistress. Voting will be held beginning September 27th- October 1st. [[OOC: Comment here if your character wishes to nominate someone for homecoming king and queen. Comment from each character's journal, as all comments will be screened. ONE nomination PER position PER character please! Anyone can nominate, nominees must be in 11th or 12th grades. Any questions, contact a mod.]] Tags: !announcement