Isle of Poderes: C.L.B.
Mini-Application/Introduction Full Name: Chelsea Lynn Butler
Age: 15
Occupation: Highschool Freshman
Status: Single
Affiliation: Neutral (Team Shady by default... kinda?)
Power: Animal Communication
Favorite Color: Light pink
Preferred Type of Toothpaste: Whatever her mom buys, duh.
Family: Paul Butler (father), Lynette Butler [
nee Low] (mother), Mary Butler (grandmother,
deceased), Russell Butler (grandfather,
deceased), John Butler (uncle), Sarah Butler (aunt), Grace Jameson ('aunt'), Mary Jameson-Cartwright ('aunt'), Collin Jameson ('uncle')
Brief History: Chelsea Butler is the only child of Paul and Lynette Butler, dermatologists based out of Fulham in West London. Her parents were both of fairly affulent standings, but from an early age her father would constantly remind her that he had worked hard for each and every cent he had and told her to not take money for granted. On the other side of the equation Lynette had been born into money and had a tendency to spoil her daughter, telling her husband that Chelsea shouldn't be denied anything. These feuding views created some tension between the family, but all in all they really weren't
that dysfunctional.
From an early age it was apparent that the youngest Butler was quite precocious and had a nice defiant attitude to match. When she didn't get her way with one parent she would run to the other, and it didn't take her long to figure out that she could pit them against each other to get exactly what she wanted. Over the years this manipulative streak has only grown to be added to her nice little cache of tricks that she uses to win people over, or simply infuriate them.
School was never really a problem for Miss Butler. She didn't make the most exceptional grades, but they were good enough to ensure that she was allowed to stay in the private academies she was enrolled in, despite the multiple disciplinary problems that seemed to follow her around. It seemed that she was always in trouble for something either with her parents, her teachers or as time went on the law. Her parent's hoped it was simply a phase she would grow out of, but after having to pick up their daughter for the umpteenth time from various stores and boutiques for shoplifting they began to get worried. Their solution? Relocation!
During the summer inbetween 8th grade and her freshman year of highschool, Chelsea was sent to live with her Uncle John in Isle of Palms, South Carolina. It wasn't her first time coming to the states and she had been over many times before with her parents to visit her father's older brother, but this was the first time she had been over by herself. She came into quite a few things during this little holiday- the knowledge that all adults were stupid, puberty and last but not least... super powers. By the time she had jumped pond for the start of the school year she had become aware of the fact that she could communicate with animals.
She didn't really find it weird or anything along those lines, but interesting. It did cause quite a few problems though as she gained more control over them and began talking to animals more frequently. Paul and Lynette were horrified and the second this was brought to their attention they sent her off to a psychologist that specialized in troubled teens. Diagnoses were thrown around, nothing ever really sticking, and in the end they were assured that this was just another way that Chelsea was acting out.
And act out she did. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when she coaxed a squirrel to hide in her literature teacher's desk drawer and jump out at the poor women, all because she had recieved bad marks on an essay. A fellow student had seen the young girl putting the squirrel in the drawer before class and ratted her out, resulting in Chelsea being expelled from school. Her parent's were distraught and at their wit's end, having no clue what to do. Yet again they turned to good ol' Uncle John.
Throughout the years the Butler brother's had passed favours back and forth. John had borrowed money for air fare... Paul borrowed money for university... John borrowed Paul's car, passport and identity for a week (which will never be talked about again)... so it wasn't surprising that the elder Butler owed his younger brother a
big favour in the form of watching over his 'troubled' daughter in the hopes of
getting her out of her parents hair 'straightening her out'. It's safe to say that neither the middle-aged criminal or the teenaged future ex-con has any idea what's in store for them.
Brief Description of Power Capabilities:LESSON TIME! Animals are a major group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. Chelsea can communicate with them! From a sugar ant to a lamprey, warthog to millipede, cnidarian to rhombozoan; she can understand them and all of that jazz! I could go into more detail about this, but it's 6.30 a.m. and it's not really something that is really difficult to understand. She talks to animals and they respond! Think like that scene in Snow White, but on crack or something.