Who: Miranda Dodderidge and Moses Dodderidge (maybe the others later? Closed for now)
What: Terrible news
Where: Dodderidge Kitchen
When: This morning
Who ever invented dirty dishes should go to Hell.
Miranda sighed loudly as the bubbles in the sink rose over the edge; she had no intention of stopping them, as they were the best part of the job. She normally didn't mind doing the dishes, especially since she became a legal witch, but when her parents punished her to chores without her wand because of the rooms she's been sneaking into with Ralph---well. Life was hard in the Dodderidge household these days.
"And that was the latest from Celestina Warbeck, 'Scourgify my Heart'! And here's Ron Burgundy with your news--ten to the hour, every hour!"
"Uuuuugh," Miranda groaned, pulling her hands out of the water to hurry over to the wireless and change the station. She had a reputation for being obnoxiously fickle with her music; commercials and news breaks should not be allowed to ruin her tunes, seriously. What was the point of being a music station, if the music wasn't 24/7?
"---the Dark Mark appeared a little after midnight over the Swansea home---"
She stopped in the middle of the kitchen, hands dripping water to the floor. Wait, wait, Swansea? That was--
"---aurors are not sure if the family was in the house at the time--"
What family! What house, what---Miranda skidded across the tiled floor to grab the wireless, pulling it up to her ear to make sure she didn't miss a detail. There was a fire, they were recapping--a fire, and the dark mark went up over midnight, and the aurors were reluctant to say that there were any survivors.
"--if you have any information on the whereabouts of the Merridew family or evidence---"
The shriek had to have been heard all the way into muggle London, down to King's Cross, all the way up the tracks to Hogwarts. The wireless crashed to the ground as Miranda's hands lost all flexible ability due to their rapid shaking. Her feet slipped on the water she'd been dripping onto the floor and with the quick way she had turned to frantically find her parents, she lost her balance and grabbed onto the table cloth, pulling all the plates and utensils down to the floor with her.
She couldn't think, that couldn't be right, she could not have actually heard that name---it was all in her head, it was all made up, it was all just--just---the sink began to overflow onto the floor and Miranda couldn't even think about how she was getting soaked, sitting there on the floor, absolutely terrified and numb--
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