My life in words

growing up... when did i do this?

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KURT love vs like

growing up... when did i do this?

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KURT love vs like
so I must be growing up.  A pseudo-ex of mine and i hung out tonight.  Usually we're all cutesy and a lil sexual with each other. And usually I like it.  But tonight, despite *his* insistence that i'm a free agent, I totally felt uncomfortable even kissing my ex.
*he* being the man I fell in love with, and am sort of kinda involved with i guess.  I call him my boyfriend for lack of a better word, but he's still legally married, and so we haven't made anything official. 
Back to the pseudo-ex, B....  B just seems to think of me as a set of tits, because all he did was go right for them the whole time we were on my PARENTS' couch!  Come on, you can't sit through a movie without grabbing my boobs? REALLY! 
So like i said... I must be growing up.  Either that or he's growing down....
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