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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-11-15 07:59:00

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Hott Sex, New Routers, New Servers & Tea
Hrmm, so like I mentioned last night I got a new router. It's one of the new Linksys ones too so I am happy to replace my other Linksys with that. It has served us well since the day we first got out inet connection. It's nice because it has remote administration and lots of other kickass features.

I did go to Berkeys yesterday and I setup a new FTP/File Server. It's like 500GBs?? The only shit part is that I get 4k up to him. Haha I've seen like 20k up but I just looked and it was going 4k and the first thing hasn't even finished uploading haha hrmm either way...I had to leave his place around 5:30ish. He gave me this wicked slick rain coat for riding, so nice :) So I went and got some pizza and I chilled with Emilie for the rest of the night. I think we're both getting sick, but after drinking tea last night I really don't feel that bad. Now my neck just feels sore, not like sick sore though...[info]dougdougdoug started another community haha, [info]nathorsemanship. So if you're down with that sorta thing, join up :)

It looks like it's going to pour outside, and I wouldn't be surprised if it did (my widget says it's supposed to lol). Well I guess it's time to go to work...!

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