
mightbeclever | |
Characters: Leon, Michi, Rowan Setting: Leon's dorm room, after dinner. Rating: SFW? Language, saddness for ages. Content: Michi comes to sit and cry on Leon after finding out the news. But when he doesn't show up at the service, she and Rowan have to go find him. Leon feels a bit blank, after is- 'oh, I get it now'. Leon sat on his bed, staring down at a box of pictures of him and Addy. She danced about in most of the images, twirling about as if the earlier news couldn't possibly be true. Heh. Figured she'd do something stupid like that too, and then not tell him. Not even her parents. He'd opted out of the service, he'd even opted out of dinner for that matter. There was only so much crying from everyone he could take, and why should they cry? She took the easy fucking way out, like a stupid little... She took the easy fucking way out, and how many times had hedged toward that same road? Scrubbing his face he got out of his bed, barely pausing as the box thumped off the side and onto the floor with a loud smack. "Fucking bitch," he muttered, scowling a bit as he fished out a bottle of Sailor Jerry's from his bag. "I'm not fucking playing your stupid game. Are you happy now? Haaa, you win, everyone is miserable." Stupid, fucking...GAH. He hated her. Every fiber in his body twisted into knots as his hands shook, his jaw clenching up as moved to his computer only to abort the attempt half way there. He wanted to sit, and pace. He wanted to go somewhere, and didn't want to move an inch from where way was. Everything was normal, and yet it wasn't. Nothing made sense to him, not even his own thoughts as he danced around what he wanted to do with himself. It was as if every nerve was jumping at the chance to expend energy, but he didn't know how to get ride of it. It was stupid. "Fuck this, and fuck you Adelaide." He said angrily, moving to his door and throwing it open just as Michi raised her hand to knock. That was unexpected, especially with Rowan in her company. "....Hi." Tags: leon shaw, michiko passos, rowan cabot






Leon nodded, kicking the door shut behind them as he moved back into the room with the girls. Well, this was unexpected. For a moment all he could do was stand there, before pulling his hand free and unscrewing the cap on the bottle. Taking a swig, he passed it on to Michi with a humorless sort of smile.
"So..." this was awkward. This feelings thing was awkward, and then of course some people needed to talk about it. What was there to say? She'd topped herself to make them feel miserable; well good job on that, hats off to her.
Job well done.
"Did you want to talk?" He asked blandly, indicating that they could sit. His room wasn't as neat and orderly as it had been at the start of the year, but it was a touch worse now. His clothing was tossed here and there, his bags still mostly packed, but disorganized. It was, in a since, a tiny room of chaos.



"You mean topping myself like some fuck?" He commented bitterly. He almost kicked something out of his way, before realize it was his laptop leaned against his bags. Stepping over it, he moved a little away from the girls, taking a healthy drink before handing the bottle off to Michi again.
"I know," he said a little bit more gently, before looking back at Rowan. He didn't not want her in the room, as much as he didn't want her around. It was more like he wasn't sure what he wanted. Nothing made sense today, at least not for him. "Thanks," he murmured, before tripping over his bags and he moved to her again. This time, though, he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug...as if that could make everything better.


When Leon came over to her, she looked at him with every emotion plain on her face. Not the least of which was concern. As he moved to hug her tightly, she quietly said, "You're welcome, Leon."
As her arms went around him to hug him back, she tried to say without words everything that she could think of. Her concern for him, her sorrow that he was hurting, her determination to help. Mostly just friendship and a willingness to be there for him. She closed her eyes and let out a breath, holding onto him tighter. As if that could make everything better.
Michi's exclamation startled her a little, and she turned her head toward whatever that noise was and opened her eyes to see what had happened. Not that she really could, being shorter than Leon.




Leon just sat there, not ready to hug Michi back as she tried to explain, as she shouldered all the responsibility for Adelaide's death on her own. It wasn't her fucking fault, so why did she keep turning everything about as if it was? He watched Rowan with a clenched jaw, hands slowly going up to Michi's wrist...
"Get the fuck over it," he snapped harshly, hands clenching a little before he let go to reach for the bottle of rum instead. "She's a fucking twat. She is a cowardly twat that..."
He trailed off as he pulled away from Michi to stand, lifting the bottle to his lips for yet one more drink. "She fucking planned this shit out, and didn't care about you or anyone else. So why the fuck are you crying? Why the fuck do you feel like you failed? You didn't fail Michi. You didn't do anything. It was all her! She was the miserable bitch of a friend..."
And maybe he was just too angry to acknowledge his own feelings of guilt. If anyone carried more blame for what happened, he did didn't he? He'd ruined her life, taken her virginity, then hid from her like some coward because 'oh, I'm gay' seemed like a badge of shame. And that was the rub, wasn't it? She was six feet under because he was gay, and if he hadn't been, she'd be sat on his bed right now talking about how stupid this class or that class was.
He could have made her happy.
"Fuck this, fuck her, and fuck all this mourning and crying shit. She isn't worth it!" He scowled, moving to his door to fling it open. Stepping out into the all, he took a deep breath before bellowing loudly, "Fuck that fucking cunt! Fuck Addy."

She knew he was going to do something like this, he was going to be angry and there was no stopping him. Though, no matter how much she had prepared herself for it she couldn't stop from crying. Anger hadn't reared it's ugly head in her yet. She shook her head. "I don't... I can't... don't do this Leon," she said trying to furiously wipe the tears from her face. "I didn't do anything, that's the problem. I should have been there, said something, I didn't know."
She clumsily stood and staggered a bit but she couldn't reach him. Not right now, not even if she tried. He deserved to be angry, she had left them and the guilt... it was too much. She looked to Rowan, her face strained and tear streaked and took the other girl's hand. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "It's my fault," she whispered.
She looked out to Leon, covering her mouth, trying to hold back a strangled cry. It killed her to see him in so much pain and all she could do was watch him, like she had watched Addy. "He doesn't mean that," she said to Rowan and to herself. "He doens't mean a word of it."


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