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Mia Dearden/Red Arrow ([info]redarrowmia) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-31 15:55:00

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Entry tags:npc - mia dearden, zachary zatara

Happy birthday, baby
Days that Mia took a day off from her day job were few and in-between.

Days that Mia took from both her day job and her night job were even rarer.

Today though, she was taking a day off and focusing on one of the most important people in her life.

She woke up before Zach and went into the kitchen to start making him breakfast in bed.

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2010-10-31 07:02 pm UTC (link)
Zach had partially stirred to give Mia the usual brief backrub and kiss on the shoulder as was his habit when she got up before him, but actually started to sit up when the smell of bacon arrived at the bedroom door.

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2010-10-31 09:25 pm UTC (link)
When Mia got everything ready, she opened the door to the bedroom, carrying a try with food and coffee for the both of them.


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2010-10-31 09:42 pm UTC (link)
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Zach grins sleepily, adjusting the pillows to sit up against the headboard.

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2010-10-31 11:07 pm UTC (link)
"And I haven't brushed my hair yet," Mia said with a smile, setting down the tray before sliding back next to him bed.

She kissed him. "Happy birthday sweetie."

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2010-10-31 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Zach kisses her back.

Yeah, true love is being willing to kiss someone full on the mouth when neither of you has even brushed their teeth.

"I hardly noticed." He snatches a piece of bacon off the plate, munching away in approval.

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2010-11-01 12:25 am UTC (link)
Mia laughed lightly, nibbling on a piece of toast.

"I'm taking the day off from work," she said. "It's all about you, today."

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2010-11-01 12:49 am UTC (link)
"Isn't that every day?" He smirks and puts an arm around her, only really needing one hand to eat anyway.

"You have anything in mind, or did you just want me to yourself?" He smiles. "Because really, I'm fine with that."

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2010-11-02 03:25 pm UTC (link)
She leaned into his side, grinning at him.

"Nothing planned. It's your day, so you decide what we get to do. We could go out...or we could stay in."

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2010-11-02 03:38 pm UTC (link)
Zach starts on the pancakes. Mmm, chocolate chip and buttermilk.

"Well, I was thinking that after I digest this, I could ravish you to our intense mutual satisfaction a few times, then we could go see that new movie where Helen Mirren shoots a lot of people."

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