Who: Molly and Arthur...with the inevitable Weasley Children appearances
Where: The Burrow
When: Late Sunday Afternoon
Work had been busy. Long, hard, and busy all day for Arthur. And just when they thought things were calming down, it'd pick back up again. It would not have been so bad except for the fact that Melinda--she wasn't that far from Arthur, in terms of muggle appreciation. True she was much more vocal about it, but who at the Ministry didn't know about his spark plug collection, or the rubber duckies, or his--he had hundreds of muggle baubles and things lying about the house and his office. The entire day, all he could think about was his family--whether Molly and the boys were okay or or...no he couldn't--
He snapped out of his thoughts quickly as a strong hand patted his back. "Alright there, Arthur?"
"Oh, yeah...just...thinking," he said faintly, letting out a tired sigh as he rubbed his temples.
"You've been here all day. Go home, get a few hours of sleep," McCormack, the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts office, replied firmly.
"Are you sure about that?" It wasn't that he didn't want to get home, but...he knew that things were going to be busy for the next few hours--even days, if people didn't start getting answers soon--and didn't want to put the emotional and physical strain on the others.
"Yeah. Perkins and Smithton are in, fresh from sleep. Go."
Arthur didn't wait to be told a third time. With a loud pop, he was gone. He appeared outside of the Burrow's kitchen door before entering the household. He had no doubt that Molly would be there soon, what with the way she liked to watch their clock when things were busy.
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