Characters: Yevgeni and Brian Setting: Library Content: SFW Summary: Brian and Yev hang at the library doing awkward freshman boy things... that sounds wrong... but it's not.
Yev had still been getting used to the fact that he had bright blue hair, every morning so far had been like a pleasant surprise. He woke up in the morning and caught his reflection in the mirror and thought to himself. What is that??? Oh right, my hair. Then he laughed to himself and carried on with his routine. He decided he wouldn't mind keeping it that way for a while.
So with his blue hair, a pile of books, and his usual fare, Yev headed to the library. It was pretty quiet as usual as he searched the rows of tables for a place to sit and mind his business. He hadn't found a promising seat until he saw his friend and fellow freshman piling and re-piling his books at a table. He walked down the aisle with his usual slow and clumsy pace and sat down across from Brian. "Hello," he said quietly.
Brian looked up only when Yev said something, nodding briefly to his friend before finally arranging all his things just right on the table. But then he looked up again and frowned. He was pretty sure that the last time he'd seen Yev, the other boy's hair had not been blue.
"Uh, Um...Y-you-your h-hair is blue." He commented, without much thought about how blunt of a statement it was. "Why?"
Yev grinned. "Yeah," he said running a hand over the top of his blue mop. "My friend Abernathy dyed it for me a few days ago so we would have matching hair. I made a pinkie promise," he said putting his hand over his chest. "And I keep my pinkie promises," he laughed a little. "Do you like the color?"
No. But he didn't voice that. It was weird, and wrong. But no matter what he thought, it wasn't his hair. People kept telling him he needed to let up on things that he couldn't control. Maybe he could just not...look. "T-that's cool." Yep,
"I'm, I'm okay." He said, nodding his head before he blinked. "Uh, I have the new Dragon Age."
Brian reached up and tugged at his hair a little, before sighing. It didn't seem very logical to him for a person to dye their hair. What did you really get out of it, after all?
"It is a-alright. Should be-be a mage, though. Everything is geared for it."
"Cool," he nodded. "I like playing a mage anyways," he shrugged. "We could play together sometime," he suggested. "I could bring my laptop to Lalaurie sometime."
"Are you working on anything in particular today?" he asked flipping his own notebook open. "I have an obnoxious amount of Latin to translate," he grinned.
"Rouges are pretty fun," he grinned with a nod. "Right?" he laughed. "They are complete rubbish."
"Oh nice," he said scribbling down translations that he wasn't particularly paying attention to. He was good at Latin and the subject didn't need his full attention. "It is pretty easy," he said looking up from his notebook. "I have just let it pile up on over the weekend," he admitted with a rueful little grin.
"If y-you have a choice, would you g-go into a fight with a cleric or a warrior?" Talking about video games was a nice change of pace, that was for sure.
"I don't like it," Latin was a headache on the best of days. "D-do you think we will have to touch t-those slugs in Care for Magical Creatures?"
"Hmm..." Yev thought about that for a second, tapping his chin. "I think I would rather have a cleric by my side. Much more useful I think," he said. "What about you?"
"I do not think Professor Baer will make you if you do not want to. Also, there are always safety gloves," he suggested.
"Cleric. A-area effect spells w-would kill a whole bunch more. Warriors need clerics to live anyway." Truth of it, right there. Anyone who played any video games, or D&D knew a warrior was only as good as his cleric.
"I hope so." He said with a sigh, "t-they seem unsanitary."
"Agreed completely! A cleric is much more effective in combat than a warrior," he said enthusiastically. "Oh man I am totally in the mood to game now."
Yev thought about the last time they had dealt with a nasty creature in care of magical creatures. "Yeah, I do not think Baer will make you touch them if you really do not want to. If I was in your cocm class I would be your lab partner," he said kindly.
"W-we should start a-a-a uh D and D game. Have a game night." He nodded to himself, realizing that it would be a rather awkward thing at first. At least for him. "It would be-be fun."
At what Yev said though, Brian smiled at him awkwardly. "T-thanks. N-no one really l-likes to partner with me. They all d-don't like me I don't think."
"That is a brilliant idea! We could start next weekend!" he said excitedly, completely ignoring his Latin for the time being. "It would definitely be fun."
He smiled. "You are welcome." Then Yev frowned a little at Brian's suspicion that they other kids didn't like him. "They just do not know you," he said. "They are all missing out," he said to his friend.
"Y-yeah. We w-would need a few other p-people, though. D-do you know anyone else?"
"I-I don't know," he went on about his classmates. "T-they seem n-not to like me a lot." He shrugged. It wasn't a big deal at the end of the day. More like...the usual fare.
"Alex could play!" he suggested. "And I know a couple other Sonniers who might be interested," he said thinking of the others he could convince to play. It would definitely be fun.
"Oh, I do not know about that. They are just silly really," he shrugged.
"Do you think Alex would?" Brian wasn't so sure about that. Granted it probably had to do with the fact that Alex usually didn't seem that interested in the stuff Brian did, but who could say?
"You're being nice," was about the only comment he could give about their classmates. "Y-you have no idea. Sometimes, sometimes they j-just do stuff to get me to react."
"I think he will. We can ask him this week. I am sure he will have a good time," he said so sure of himself.
Yev sighed lightly. "I know," he said shutting his notebook. "Kids are mean, I am lucky enough that they leave me alone because they think I am like my brothers," he admitted more quietly. "Most people are cruel Brian, we do not need their approval."
"If you say so." It was easier to talk to Yev, he had to admit. Maybe it was because they were one in the same. Sort of. Yev wasn't as repulsed by physical contact.
He even tried to nod at Yev's encouragement. No, they didn't people's approval, but being popular like the cheerleaders was, well...easier. They never seemed to be the subject of mean acts, and people tended to want to be seen with them. All he could do, really, was shrug.
Yev smiled and nodded. He was sure if he gave Alex a little flask of something he could sit through a night of D&D without complaining too much. He kept that thought to himself though.
He was sure it wasn't too easy when people were constantly targeting him but getting ignored hadn't exactly been a walk in the park either. At the very least they had each other. "Freshmen boys stick together right?" he asked with a little grin.
"Y-yeah. Stick together." He smiled at Yev, nodding in complete agreement. Maybe the others didn't like him, but his friend was right- it was their loss. He didn't need them, did he?
"Stick together." Now just to finish his homework on time.