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Blather About Fanfiction - BSMFN "Should Have Beens" for 1999 and 2000
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BSMFN "Should Have Beens" for 1999 and 2000
After some consideration, I figured the sensible thing to do about the new content for BSMFN was to put it in the journal under its own tag. Before I get started, I want to remind you I'm working with the same constraints John Hitchens imposed on himself -- no unfinished fics -- but with the additional handicap of only having fanfiction.net to look through. So I humbly submit that if you think a story deserves a mention here and it's still available online that you let me know.

And my additional caveat. All reviewers will have their preferences, and I'm no exception. My prejuidices are:
  • Crossovers
  • MPreg
  • The Oscar and the Hitler stories -- you old school peeps know what I'm talking about!

I'm also leery of:
  • "Senshi in America" or "Gaijin in Tokyo" stories
  • Hotaru/Chibiusa romance during the S to Stars timeline (I would like some friendship stories, but alas, too often these seem to end in random!porn)
  • Songfics, most poetry, flash fiction and drabbles
  • Unreasonably long stories

And last but not least, I'm specifically looking for topics/characters/themes/whatnot that are NOT already in the BSMFN archive.


1. INSOMNIAC by Karcy (1999)
First Season Mamoru gets some love in this short fic. More vignette than story, it is packed to the brim with allusions to Mamoru's past. Lovely and direct. When you reflect on it, it really is a miracle he's not more of a psychological hot mess than he is.

2. RECESSIONAL by Angus MacSpon (1999)
It is bewildering to me that Angus Macspon didn't make it into the archive. He is probably best-known for Sailor Moon 4200, but this short story is a sampling of his creative genius in a quickly-digestible serving. It is the end of the Silver Millennium, but there are some loose ends to tidy up and a future to plan. Who else is capable of the task but Pluto?

3. NIGHTMARES OF A GOOD MAN by Zeng Li (2000)
Dr. Souichi Tomoe was a good man, once, but you know what they say about the pavement on the road to hell. A short, foreshadowy fic taking place around early/mid-season of Sailor Moon S.

4. FATHERLY CONCERNS by mako-clb (2000)
Only in a show like Sailor Moon could your protagonists meet and interact with their future daughter before she was even a twinkle in their eyes. It gives the future task of parenting an odd sort of anxiety you might not see elsewhere. This short fic is obviously centered on Mamoru after the birth of Chibiusa.

5. SAILOR DECOY by Bill K. (2000)
The show neglected to tell us what Minako was thinking when she learned she wasn't the Moon Princess after all, just integrating her into the group amid those turbulent last few episodes before the battle with the Dark Kingdom concluded. Here's Bill K.'s take on the feelings she went through after the reveal.

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