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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-11-30 07:46:00

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So I've been watching this movie for Vampire class called "Salems' Lot". It really sucks and it's old and boring. Also wicked cheesy. It's also 3 hours long which sucks and I have to watch it, uuugh! After about an hour of it, I got to bored and went up to Williston to get some crickets and other stuff.

I stopped by EBGames first and hung out for a little. Ended up getting Mario Kart DS. I doubt I'll even get to open it until next week some time if that. I believe I still have a couple PS2 games from this summer that I bought that are still unopened. Star Ocean, Onimusha, Athens 2004 (it's got horse jumping :P), and i think Tekken 4. Anyways, after that I went to PetsMart and got some crickets. I was looking for this really soft facebrush I've kinda always wanted but I don't think they had it. They had a little bit bigger one which was $9.00. Too expensive for my poor ass LOL. So I got my crickets and left.

Went to Hannafords to get some other stuff...

My Gear

I don't know why but it would have felt a little awkward just getting condoms. So I had to add in those extras things to try and make it seem/feel less awkward haha

Hahahaha good stuff. So then I came home and now I have to go to work in about an hour. Will be working from 4PM to about 9PM tonight I think. Still watching this dumb movie...fun fun! And commenting with [info]inkandbullets woot.

Oh yeah, Pandora.com is fun! Thanks for showing me that [info]jerronimo

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