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Hope Free ([info]smallwonder) wrote,
@ 2010-02-28 17:46:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: fireflydreams01@yahoo.com
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical or hearts0fwinter
Character Name: Hope Free
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]smallwonder
Physical description (face, build, weight): Hope is exactly six-foot-eight and weighs around a hundred and fifty-eight pounds, most of it being muscle. She has a round face, long brown hair, and brown eyes.
Age: 20
Birthday: September 28th
Codename (if using one): Not using one currently
PB: Amber Tamblyn
Abilities: Being a New God like her parents, Hope has the basic New God powerset which includes:
Immortality: Like her parents, Hope is functionally immortal, and will stop aging physically by the time she reaches thirty. Unless she falls in battle, it is possible for Hope to live to up to thousands of years.
Invunerability: Hope is resistant to blows such as kicks and punches, and weapons like bats and maces, unless it is from someone who's strength is on the same level as her own, such as fellow New God or Jon. She is not, however, immune to bullets, laser-blasts, or other piercing blows and weapons.
Superhuman Strength: Though not on the same level as her mother's, Hope's strength surpasses that of a human being's, allowing her lift nearly eighty tons without breaking a sweat.
Superhuman Stamina: Hope doesn't fatigue or tire as quick as humans.
Superhuman Reflexes: Hope's reflexes are about fifty time greater than a human being's.
Escapologist: Though not nearly on the same level as her father, Hope is a trained escape artist, being able to figure her way out of most knots and binds in a fair amount of time.
Skilled Combatant: Since she was about six years old, Barda trained her daughter in the ways of a warrior, and Hope's combat skills rival that of an Amazon's. Hope has a mastery over most weapons, and has been trained in many forms of martial arts, as well as other forms of fighting.
Hope is also in possesesion of a Mother Box, given to her by her father, and a version of her mother's Mega Rod, constructed by her father.
Weaknesses and flaws: It is possible to injure Hope, impossible as it may seem. A Daximite or a Kyrptonian, or an Amazon near the same levels as Wonder Woman would be able to harm just as easily as a fellow New God would. Like all New Gods, Hope is vulnerable to a substance called Radion, though it is rare to come by, a single explosive blast containing Radion could easily kill Hope just as easily as getting stabbed directly with Kryptonite could kill Superman or Jon.
Character location/Home: New Haven, CT
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero.
Team: Hope is an independent. However, like her mother and father before her, she is willing to help out the heroes of the world, should they ever need her.
Relatives (living/dead?): Scott Free (father, living), Barda Free (mother, living), Higfather Izaya (grandfather, deceased), Orion ('uncle')
Backstory: Hope was born to Scott and Barda Free, the first New God to be born in freedom, not in the firey pits of Apokolips. Overjoyed that she wouldn't have to face the same struggles and trials that they did growing up on Apokolips, Scott and Barda named their newborn daughter Hope, as she was a symbol of everything that they had faced and overcome. Hope was raised in a loving home, spoiled by her father, and encouraged by her mother to follow both her heart and instincts. Hope grew up marveling at her father's feats as an escape artist, and in sheer admiration of her mother's skill as a warrior, and hoped that she could be just like them one day.

Knowing that there might be a chance their enemies from their homeworld might try and attack Hope, Barda began to train her daughter in the ways of a warrior from the time that she was six years old, starting easy on her and always giving Hope as many chances as she needed to get a particular move or set of skills right. As she got older, the routines got harder and more demanding of Hope. Though there were time where she wanted to quit, Hope never gave up, knowing that what her mother was teaching her was for her own good. By the time she was ten years old, Scott began to train Hope in escapology, starting of with getting out of simple knots in a pinch, and advancing to more complicated things as her training progressed.

Currently, Hope is trying to live a normal life, and is currently a sophomore at Yale University, where she is majoring in political science. Though Hope is not as active as some of the heroes her age, like her parents, she will gladly assist any of the teams and heroes of Earth should they require her skills.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Trying to life a normal life, lending her skill when she's needed.
What are you planning to do with this character?: While Hope will gladly offer support to any of the hero teams, I don't intend for her to join one any time soon. Basically, she'll be offering a little extra muscle when she's needed.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Helping beat up bad guys. Life. All that fun stuff in between. Aaand possibly going up against some new foes from her parent's homeworld.

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