Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Ryota Satou
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Ryota is 5' 8" and 160lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes.
Age: 21
Birthday: January 12th
PB: (If using one.) Chang Chen
Bullet Time- Ryota naturally has the ability to make everything seem to slow down to a crawl letting him watch the individual bullets come out of a machine gun and slowly make their way toward him. While he does not actually move faster or slow time down he does make his sense quicker and react faster. Ryota generally needs quickly focus in order to active his bullet time though it can active by its self as a natural part of his fight or flight response.
Gun Fu- Ryota uses a self taught form of Gun-Fu and Gun Katas. He is very good and effective with them even without the use of his bullet time though when he does use bullet time he becomes very scary in a fight. Ryota is also capable of some seemingly impossible shots like for example curving a bullet around a corner to hit his target. Ryota can effectively use almost any gun with his fighting style though prefers to use to handguns.
Special Guns- Ryota has two hand guns at his disposal that are capable of firing multiple kinds of ammo depending on the clip he has loaded in it from regular bullets to rubber bullets to energy blasts to rounds of kinetic force.
Weaknesses and flaws: With the exception of his Bullet Time Ability Ryota is an ordinary Human and has all the weaknesses that come with that. Ryota also has problems shutting up which have been known to get him into trouble.
Ryota can not stay in his bullet time state for long due to the mental stress of keeping it going and currently tops out at about ten seconds really time though he can get a lot done with that. After he uses bullet time he can't go back into bullet time again until he's had proper time to mentally rest which is about 10 seconds though he can't hold it for his usual full time unless he's had closer to a minute of mental rest
Character location/Home: Japan
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Heroes
Relatives (living/dead?): Orphan
Backstory: Ryota grew up on the streets of Tokyo having been orphaned at a very young age. While he did go to school he often skipped it since it wasn't conductive to his survival.
He discovered his bullet time ability when he was very young which he often used to help get himself out of tough situations. Over time he started training himself with out to use to so that he could fight or escape better depending on what seemed best at the time.
In high school he got his hands on some hand guns which he worked very hard to train with becoming very good at using them though mainly in self defense. Eventually he was caught with them and offered a deal by the government who noticed his skill with them. Work for them once he finished high school and they would forgot this ever happened and give him a nice allowance of money to live off of till he finished school.
After high school he did just that and started training even more become highly skilled with a lot more guns though he still prefers his handguns and given access to a lot of high tech weapons. While he's not entirely certain about working for the government he does like the access to weapon and how he can get back at them by annoying the hell out of them with his mouth.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: With Big Hero Six.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Wacky Big Hero Six Hijinks.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Have fun with Big Hero Six.
Sample post: