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healthtoilet20 ([info]healthtoilet20) wrote,
@ 2013-03-13 07:58:00

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Hipnoterapi - Treating Brontophobia With Hypnotherapy
more details about hipnoterapi, hipnoterapi

Those with brontophobia have an overblown fear of thunder and lightning. Loud, booming thunder and cracks of lightning can spark nervousness and anxiety attacks in brontophobia sufferers. Other signs include an increased heartrate, perspiring, and a strong sense of fear, to the point where a person becomes ill.

For many, the fear of thunder and lightning develops early, when as children, we cower under the covers during a serious storm. The phobia can be especially hard on children. Many terrified children feel helpless during bad weather, and their parents often feel powerless to help them cope with their phobia.

In spite of its common occurrence in small kids, brontophobia can be triggered at any time in life, frequently after a person has an experience such as getting an electrical shock, which reminds them of a lightning strike. A stressful experience such as living through a hurricane can also cause an intense fear of thunderstorms.

Some people may come to link loud noises, the feeling of discomfort, or terror with thunder and lightning, which can grow into a serious phobia. Brontophobia is so common that it is even apparent in some animals; for example, many pet owners observe that their pet dogs seem upset in lightning.

People who experience brontophobia try to avoid seeing or hearing storms.

People may suffer complete nervous breakdowns during disasters such as hurricanes. This can be harmful to them if they are unable to function under circumstances which requires them to keep calm and respond rationally.

People who experience brontophobia often hate storm season, often struggling in summer when thunderstorms occur frequently. They might obsessively check weather forecasts and behave extra cautiously during bouts of bad weather. To people without a phobia, this behavior may seem extreme and paranoid. Phobia suffers may find this fear slowly taking control of their lives.

A wide range of options are available for relieving brontophobia and other irrational fears. Notable ones include counseling, anti-anxiety medication, and hypnosis. Hypnotherapy tends to deliver safer, faster results and it is non-invasive, having no harmful side effects. For these reasons, hypnosis is now a a common treatment.

Hypnosis therapy is successful as a class of relaxation therapy and has long been used to achieve relaxation. By beginning with stress-relief techniques, hypnotherapy helps tense, worried individuals with phobias begin the process of recovery. When someone is feeling relaxed, it is easier for hypnosis techniques to guide the unconscious into a phobia-free line of thought.

Most phobias are linked to negative stimuli, which become linked to fear inside the unconscious mind. For brontophobia sufferers, the loud rumble of thunder, the sight of lightning, or even the sight of clouds often triggers alarm. Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) work at the unconscious level of the mind to dissociate fear from these triggers to bring powerful fear relief. One of the most successful techniques is called the NLP Visual/Kinesthetic Disassociation.

Ericksonian hypnosis is a type of hypnosis that is commonly used to treat fears. Named after its founder, Dr. Milton Erickson, MD, this type of hypnotherapy uses indirect suggestions integrated in stories, conversation, and metaphors to cure a phobia. Indirect suggestions are more effective than conventional direct suggestions because people tend to resist commands.

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