...'Cause you know that I can.


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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG


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Been awhile, no?

Unfortunately, shortly after my last entry, my comp began giving me random BSODs, frequently enoough that I all but stopped coming online while I tried to diagnose it. After formatting and reinstalling XP, then mistakenly attributing the problem to a bad power supply (which cost over $100 to replace because I no longer had the old one's packaging, making it impossible to return--long story, that ^^;;), turns out it was the motherboard. Perhaps findiing a no-name brand, SLI-capable mobo for only $80 was too good to be true after all.

So, after getting a better model--and testing it extensively to ensure the damned thing wouldn't self-destruct on me this time--I'm back. To be greeted with a burgeoning inbox, a massive backlog of posts of several games I frequent, the remains of several projects I was working on before all this started, and a small lynch mob of people demanding to know where the hell I've been.

In other words: business as usual. XD
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