Dark Puck - 7_chakras challengefic [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
April 23rd, 2009
09:14 pm
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7_chakras challengefic
Title: Nova
Author: [info]dark_puck 
Challenge: Individual Themes
Chakra/Themeset: Fire/Blaze
Character: Ichiro (OC)

even if it kills me

"He has to be stopped," the young man said to the people who have gathered close to him. "The comet is coming and Ba Sing Se has fallen. The Avatar has been gone for a century; likely the cycle has been broken. We can't count on a miracle."

"Who can stop the Firelord?" asked the leader, eyeing the boy askance. "You?"

Golden eyes blazed. "Yes."

eyes squeezed shut

Heat blasts all around me, but I scarcely notice it. All I know is the rock to my back, protecting me from Ozai's attacks, though I don't think it'll hold out much longer. His fire is so harsh it hurts my eyes; I keep them closed and listen for his fire to prevent him from getting the drop on me.

It's intoxicating, this power filling me, but it won't be enough to defeat Ozai.

Good thing that was never the plan.

i won't give up

"Don't do this, Ichiro."

"I'm the only one who can."

"He'll kill you!"

"I know."

"Why are you doing this?"

"The Firelord is mad. He sees only the path to victory - and even then, it is a path that only exists within his head. The war is won, says the Fire Nation. But still the Earth Kingdom fights back. He'll use the comet to break this country like Sozin broke the Air Nomads."

"You're no match for him."

"I don't have to be. I only have to hold out long enough for the comet to pass."

He doesn't understand.

This boy, this unknown, this surprisingly powerful firebender -- who is he? Where did he come from? How did he come to be so powerful and yet avoid my notice, the notice of my men?

Ozai frowns.

Heads will roll for this.

The boy is fighting him with all his heart, all his soul, and while he isn't winning, Ozai isn't winning either. The boy's determination burns in his eyes like a nova - but novas only shine for a brief time before they are snuffed out.

don't procrastinate

The rogue firebender's concerns were certainly valid, and it certainly helped that the local villagers believed Ozai capable of almost any atrocity. So when he urged them to evacuate the area, they packed essentials and what little wealth they had, fleeing the upcoming battleground.


Oh, gods. I can't feel anything anymore.

No, I lie.

I feel pain.

It's been a long fight. I got lucky; he couldn't hit me with lightning. But speed doesn't win battles.

It's over. Ozai's destroyed me.

But the comet is leaving. I can feel the power ebbing away, and everything's fading. Even the pain, for small mercies.

It was worth it.

swan song

"You'll forgive me if I don't bow, my lord."

"What were you hoping to accomplish?"

"Doesn't matter. Matters is... you've killed me, but I still won."

"I'm tempted to let you live if only to prove how wrong you are."

"Even you cannot command the body."

"And you are dying."

"Worth it."

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: tired
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