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Pippa! ([info]pippa) wrote,
@ 2008-01-08 21:08:00

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NAME Phillipa Elspeth Longbottom
NICKNAME Pippa! She usually doesn't answer to anything else.
AGE/YEAR 15 / 5th
HOUSE Gryffindor
POSITION Knitting Enthusiast?
BIRTHDATE 23 August 1928
HOMETOWN Lanchashire, England
HAIR Shoulder-length, a rather non-descript brown, and usually falling out of several braids.
EYES Brown and sparkling
As the middle child and only daughter of Cliodne and Hugh Longbottom, Phillipa received a sort of distracted affection from her parents throughout her young life. She was an undemanding child, content to be quickly hugged and then sent off to play with her Kneazle Family Playset while the baby was looked after or Harfang commanded the room’s attention. As she got older, Pippa became the family’s reliable child, the one who would always do her own chores and often her brothers’ as well, who could be counted on to help Algie brush his teeth if mummy and daddy were too busy, whose most egregious piece of naughtiness was bringing home a kitten she had found lost in front of a friend’s house and trying to hide it from her parents lest they make her put it back on the street. In fact, the only significant bit of excitement Pippa ever caused was the seemingly late manifestation of her magic, which caused some whispered fears of the girl’s Squib-hood; and in fact the family eventually discovered that she’d been using magic to nurse that kitten all along. She was sent off to Hogwarts without much fuss after that; her father, who was an alumnus himself, was a little shocked when she was sorted into Gryffindor, but her mother- who had never attended the school, having been tutored instead by her own uncle- merely shrugged, and that was that.
If Pippa did anything to distinguish herself through her first few years of school, it was only in how easily and stubbornly she made friends throughout all the houses. Her scores were unremarkable, neither excellent nor terrible, the exceptions being her appalling marks in Transfiguration- Dumbledore, for all his bright eyes and pleasant demeanor, made the girl horribly nervous- and a pronounced aptitude for Divination. This aptitude indicates that she has the Seer’s gift, and in truth she does, but only a grain of it; she’ll never be one to go into a trance and prophesize something huge, instead at best having uncannily accurate feelings or hunches as to whether a given day will end up good or bad and similarly vague indicators that can easily be chalked up to natural intuition. Her terror of heights, discovered during that first flying lesson, kept her from distinguishing herself through Quidditch, though she’s an avid follower of the sport.
FATHER Hugh Longbottom - 50 years, Hufflepuff alumnus; Pippa is the sort of girl who still calls her father 'Daddy' even at the age of 15.
MOTHER Cliodne McAllister Longbottom - 41 years, Non-Hogwarts; Pippa learnt to knit and bake from her mother, and given that those are two of her favourite passtimes, it's hard not to see that the relationship is close.
SIBLINGS Harfang Longbottom; Pippa absolutely adores her big brother. Both of her brothers are, essentially, her world, but Fangy, as she calls him, is rather Pip's hero. That's not to say she agrees with him in everything, because she doesn't; but Harfang is essentially the only one who can get her to shut up when she's crusading, and the person she trusts most in the world- which, coming from a girl who trusts almost everyone, is saying something.
Algernon Longbottom; Pippa is sort of rabidly defensive of her little brother- if you're rude to him, expect to hear from the girl for a very, very long time.
ETC There are lots and lots of Longbottom cousins, and Pippa loves every single one of them.
Enid Longbotton; Though her eldest cousin is rather sour, Pippa is close to her, and will defend the older girl from anything nasty said about her, no matter how much it might be deserved. She does, however, tend to get into frequent spats with Enid- their personalities make a volatile mixture.
Agnes Longbottom; Pippa's Bestest Friend Ever. More detail to come!
Beatrice Longbottom; TBD
Pamela Longbottom; TBD
Tremella Longbottom; The family baby and, as such, completely doted on by Pippa.
ROMANCE Pippa fancies easily, and always the sort of boy you'd expect her to stay away from.
Ned Prewett; so he's twice her age and a librarian- he's also very cute, and Pippa never does go for appropriate boys! Largely a case of puppy-love; Pippa would NEVER DARE to flirt with him, preferring instead to spend a lot of time in the library 'reading' (aka staring at the librarian over the top of her book and thinking she is so subtle) and ask a lot of unnecessary questions ("Um, I'm looking for a book about...potions!" "Try...the potions section.")
Kevin Broadmoor; a truly ill-advised fancy, Pippa couldn't be more unlike this particular crush if she tried. That doesn't stop her. She's absolutely sure there's a heart of gold in there somewhere.

Upon meeting Phillipa, most people assume she’s a Hufflepuff and are astounded to find out otherwise. That mistake is an honest one; Pippa’s most obvious characteristic is definetly not courage. If anything, she’s appears to be a relatively timid girl, a shy child who doesn’t seem likely to stand up for herself. She doesn’t like to stand up in class, avoids throwing herself into situations full of strangers, and generally tries not to cause trouble- hardly traits common to Gryffindor House. Still, while she’s not outgoing in an obvious way, the girl has quite a few friends scattered throughout the houses. When comfortable with the people around her, Pippa is bubbly, cheerful, and unflaggingly helpful; she’s the girl who’ll stay up with you all night if you need to finish an essay even though hers is long done, who’ll sneak into the kitchens to fetch some hot cocoa when for the Quidditchers after a particularly cold practice, who’ll take any lost first-year under her wing without hesitation. She is, in a word, motherly; and that’s where the hidden courage comes in. Though she doesn’t like confrontation at all and is infamous among her yearmates as a peacemaker, threaten any of the people Phillipa considers to be in her care- be they friends, housemates, family members, younger children, or outcasts- and the girl turns into a mother bear, fierce and willing to fight with no thought for her own safety. In such situations, the normally timid, tongue-tied and blush-prone girl will get between absolutely anyone or anything and the person she intends to protect, and won’t back down no matter what. This isn’t always entirely rational; often, shutting up and walking away would work out better. Regardless, anybody who comes upon Phillipa in the midst of a ‘battle’ will know right away the house she’s in, despite her usual retiring nature.

Virgo: This is not a natural sign for Gryffindor, but some Gryffindors do end up born under the influence of Virgo. They are hard workers and usually very bright; they tend to be more ethically obsessed than most. Some Virgo wizards are also sorted into House Gryffindor because of their amazing imaginations; on the surface they may appear straight-laced and almost nervous, but inside is a wealth of romantic yearning and fantastic excitement. They quietly build dream castles in their minds; and the practical influence of the Earth element means that they, unlike more flighty signs, may have some chance of building those dream castles on solid foundations.
MUN Sara @ [info]baobabble
PORTRAYED-BY Emily Browning
DISCLAIMER Icons by [info]baobabble. Profile layout stolen from wifey Cassie. The name ‘Longbottom' and recognizable details are the property of JK Rowling. Pippa herself is my creation, and I love her so much that if you try to take her I will probably bite you. Emily Browning belongs to her own sweet self. No profit is being gotten from my portrayal of Philippa Longbottom; I do it all for the lulz. And the love.

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