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[Feb. 11th, 2008|07:33 pm]
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[Current Mood | happy]
[Current Music |There's No 'I' In Team- TBS]

Today turned out to be really, really fun.

After school Liza came with me to go to the Boarding House to get James a Valentine's Day gift. From there we went back to her house and watched Across The Universe and found a certain theme kept ahem, appearing. Including limewire's file that showed up no matter what you typed in- "YOUNG GIRL HAVING SEX!!1!" or something like that. And then there's Marilyn Manson's Heart Shaped Glasses video. Ahem, ahem.

But anyway we played the Sims and watched that and I had lots of fun. Our spanish teacher said if we bring the camera in we could film people and make another video for extra credit. 
I'll take it!