...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

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1) Note to self: if the first bottle of beer in a six-pack tastes like crap (see previous entry), odds are the next five won't taste any better.

2) Mostly clothing this year (good stuff too), two bottles of Perry Ellis cologne (360 Blue and another one I'd never heard of), one bottle of cK one (I'm beginning to suspect I'm the only person on Earth who still wears it) plus a Hastings gift card and a football-shaped crock pot (don't ask ^_^;;).

Good stuff....but what about the computer stuff. All my subtle as a train wreck hint dropping? I mean, cain't mah Inna Geek get some luv fer once? =)

Ah well, that's what they make After-Christmas sales for. I'll be heading into the fray later today.

3) And speaking of "hint-dropping," iIt looks like I'm going to be doing some more. I know I said I would give them a week, but you already know I have no willpower when it comes to this sort of thing. :)
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