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Why do I make small talk??

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Why do I make small talk??

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He's gone again. So I'm taking advantage of the available computer. (see previous post)

I vacuumed!!!! *CONFETTI* Her room, the hallway, under the kitchen table and the living room (under the area rug, too!!). I'm so proud of myself. I feel accomplished. Dishes from dinner soaking in the sink. We had lasagna toss, so they need a good soak.

After dinner, we had to run to Aldi really quick to get a gallon of milk, another bag of powdered sugar and a bag of chocolate chips. (The puppy chow wasn't powdered sugar-y enough and I've been eating it *looks at floor* so I'm going to make another batch) As we were pulling into the parking lot, I saw a guy standing about 5' 9" or so, white static-y hair just past his shoulders, scrawny with a beer belly, cowboy boots, red shirt, blue jeans, and ice blue eyes. (I think those kind of eyes are creepy. No offense if any of you have ice blue eyes, I just think they stare right through you.) We both walked up to the only checkout lane open at the same time. I was technically there first, so I subtly snuck a few extra steps in and set my milk down at the edge of the conveyor belt thingy. He only had a halfdozen bouquet of flowers, which I found out later were for his wife. He started bitching about how there's only one lane open. Not crabby loud bitching, just mentioning it loud enough that me and the guy in front of me could hear. I said, "It's like this every time I come here. Only sometimes, there's 2 lanes open."

Crazy guy: I was at Walgreens and they only had one line open and people were lined up halfway through the store.

(I think he was exaggerating, but I don't doubt the fact that only one lane was open)

Me: It's like this everywhere. WalMart especially I--

Crazy guy interrupts: Oh, I'm fed up with WalMart. I'm done shopping there.

Crazy guy then goes on this long tangent about how he knew the founder and how he's "turning in his grave" because WalMart has become everything Founder Sam didn't want it to be. I made the mistake of making eye contact, which is when I realized that he had a lazy eye. Guess which one I made, or tried to, eye contact with??? lol. I diverted my eyes for the rest of the conversation. It was pretty one-sided, so it wasn't difficult.

When we got up to the register, the cashier guy asked me how I was doing. "Tired" He gave me a look and I said, "My neighbors like to blast music until 6am"

Hot cashier guy (who unfortunately has a gf): *laughs* I'm that neighbor.

Crazy guy holds up the flowers after I was done and told hot cashier guy that he wasn't in the doghouse. "I've been married for 35 years. I'm just buying these because I love her."

Awwww. Yeah right.

Me: Wow, I wish mine would get me flowers. Doghouse or not. A bag of M&Ms or something.

Hot cashier guy doesn't get the doghouse. "I just let her cool down."

Me: Ha! I don't cool down.

That's when I decided I'd had enough small talk and left. Hot cashier told me to get some rest. Next to you, perhaps? *sigh*

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