Isabelle "Izzy" Starsmore (![]() @ 2010-05-04 01:16:00 |
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On file
Character Name: Isabelle "Izzy" Lucinda Starsmore
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'10, 134 lbs, blond hair, blue eyes, has been told she looks older than her age from time to time.
Age: 16
Birthday: August 23rd
PB: Avril Lavigne
Abilities: Izzy has the mutant power to "husk" her skin into different forms of energy, namely electricity, fire, earth, and water. So basically, she can become a living bolt of lightning, a living flame, a living rock, and a living fountain. She has the potential to eventually husk into other forms of energy, though it is highly uncertain. So far, her four different forms have each been triggered by a different emotional state.
The forms:
Electric form: The first form that Izzy ever husked into, it is the easiest for her to go into and maintain, and grants her enhanced speed. This form allows her create blasts using electric energy, makes it hard for anyone to touch her without getting shocked in the process. Water, however, shorts out this form.
Fire form: Izzy's second form, and the only one that grants her flight. Because of this form, Izzy's body runs on a higher temperature than that of a normal human being's. She is able to manipulate the flames to convert them into blasts of fire. A large amount of water will easily short out her fire form, though.
Earth form: While the electric form and fire form are the "offensive level", Izzy's earth and water forms gear towards more defensive levels. Izzy's earth form turns her body into a living rock, making it harder to hurt and harm her in this form, though it is possible. Her earth form also gives her increased strength. While not extremely slow, this form makes Izzy fairly slower than her normal speed.
Water form: The most recent of Izzy's forms, and by far the hardest for to husk into and maintain. This form allows her to absorb injuries easily, and also lightens her weight and density, making it easy for her to slip through tight places with ease. Being the hardest form for her maintain, however, she currently can't hold it for more than an hour.
Weaknesses and flaws: Different forms require different levels of concentration for her to maintain and husk into. While, it may be harder for her to sustain injury when she's husked, it is still possible injure Izzy. Currently, as it, Izzy can only husk her entire body, and not parts of it. While she can go from form to form, it takes an amount of extreme concentration for Izzy do so, and depending on how fast the change, can be extremely painful.
Character location/Home: Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Jonothon Starsmore (father, living), Paige Guthrie (mother, living), Thomas Zebulon Guthrie (grandfather, deceased),Lucinda Guthrie (grandmother, living), Samuel Guthrie (uncle, living), Joshua Guthrie (uncle, living), Joella Guthrie (aunt, living), Elisabeth Guthrie (aunt, living), Melody Guthrie (aunt, living), Jebediah Guthrie (uncle, living), Lewis Guthrie (uncle, living), Zachary Cheney-Guthrie (cousin, living), Jack Starsmore (ancestor), Apocalypse (ancestor), Blink (distant cousin)
Backstory: Isabelle Starsmore was the only child born to both Jonothon Starsmore and Paige Guthrie. Isabelle's conception was unexpected, and two married (mostly due to the influence of Izzy's grandmother, Lucinda). Izzy grew up in Kentucky, surrounded by her large extended family, including her cousin, Zac.
Izzy's powers manifest when she was thirteen, during an argument with her mother.Frustrated, Izzy husked her skin into her electric form...and cut off the power in house in the process. While Izzy knew that with both of her parents being mutants, there was a chance that she'd be one as well, she was still terrified. Paige and Jono, agreeing that Izzy should learn how to control her powers, arranged for her to attend Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Since then, Izzy has discovered that she is able to husk into three more forms-each of them having been triggered by some emotion, like her electric form. Her fire form, triggered in training session gone bad, her earth form, triggered when she fell out a second story window, and her water form, also triggered in a training session, this one being slightly more stressful in nature.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She's currently a student at Xavier's.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Be an active member of the X-Men.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Assist the X-Men. Also, I'd like to see her power control develop (especially with her water form). While I don't plan on her developing any new forms, I'd maybe like to get to the level where she can start to husk select parts of her body, like a flaming hand, for example.
Sample post:
Izzy was playing around with her water form. Or not really so much playing around, but working on controlling it. Again. She didn't like that she could only maintain it for an hour. Out of all her forms, it was the one she had the most trouble with...and the one that annoyed her the most.
"Ah'm gonna get this right...Ah'm gonna get this right.." She stood in her room, in water form, looking at the clock. Fifty-eight mintues...
If she could just manage to hold it for an hour and five minutes, she'd be fine.
"Ah can do this...Ah can do it..."
Fifty-nine minutes...just one more.
An hour on the dot, and she reverted back to normal. Izzy bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. The last time she'd gotten "carried away" when she was practicing her water form, she had gone into her fire form when she got frustrated... and nearly torched down her room.
No. She wasn't going to do that. Instead she was going to walk calmly and quietly to the Danger Room...and singe that instead.
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On file
Character Name: Isabelle "Izzy" Lucinda Starsmore
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'10, 134 lbs, blond hair, blue eyes, has been told she looks older than her age from time to time.
Age: 16
Birthday: August 23rd
PB: Avril Lavigne
Abilities: Izzy has the mutant power to "husk" her skin into different forms of energy, namely electricity, fire, earth, and water. So basically, she can become a living bolt of lightning, a living flame, a living rock, and a living fountain. She has the potential to eventually husk into other forms of energy, though it is highly uncertain. So far, her four different forms have each been triggered by a different emotional state.
The forms:
Electric form: The first form that Izzy ever husked into, it is the easiest for her to go into and maintain, and grants her enhanced speed. This form allows her create blasts using electric energy, makes it hard for anyone to touch her without getting shocked in the process. Water, however, shorts out this form.
Fire form: Izzy's second form, and the only one that grants her flight. Because of this form, Izzy's body runs on a higher temperature than that of a normal human being's. She is able to manipulate the flames to convert them into blasts of fire. A large amount of water will easily short out her fire form, though.
Earth form: While the electric form and fire form are the "offensive level", Izzy's earth and water forms gear towards more defensive levels. Izzy's earth form turns her body into a living rock, making it harder to hurt and harm her in this form, though it is possible. Her earth form also gives her increased strength. While not extremely slow, this form makes Izzy fairly slower than her normal speed.
Water form: The most recent of Izzy's forms, and by far the hardest for to husk into and maintain. This form allows her to absorb injuries easily, and also lightens her weight and density, making it easy for her to slip through tight places with ease. Being the hardest form for her maintain, however, she currently can't hold it for more than an hour.
Weaknesses and flaws: Different forms require different levels of concentration for her to maintain and husk into. While, it may be harder for her to sustain injury when she's husked, it is still possible injure Izzy. Currently, as it, Izzy can only husk her entire body, and not parts of it. While she can go from form to form, it takes an amount of extreme concentration for Izzy do so, and depending on how fast the change, can be extremely painful.
Character location/Home: Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Jonothon Starsmore (father, living), Paige Guthrie (mother, living), Thomas Zebulon Guthrie (grandfather, deceased),Lucinda Guthrie (grandmother, living), Samuel Guthrie (uncle, living), Joshua Guthrie (uncle, living), Joella Guthrie (aunt, living), Elisabeth Guthrie (aunt, living), Melody Guthrie (aunt, living), Jebediah Guthrie (uncle, living), Lewis Guthrie (uncle, living), Zachary Cheney-Guthrie (cousin, living), Jack Starsmore (ancestor), Apocalypse (ancestor), Blink (distant cousin)
Backstory: Isabelle Starsmore was the only child born to both Jonothon Starsmore and Paige Guthrie. Isabelle's conception was unexpected, and two married (mostly due to the influence of Izzy's grandmother, Lucinda). Izzy grew up in Kentucky, surrounded by her large extended family, including her cousin, Zac.
Izzy's powers manifest when she was thirteen, during an argument with her mother.Frustrated, Izzy husked her skin into her electric form...and cut off the power in house in the process. While Izzy knew that with both of her parents being mutants, there was a chance that she'd be one as well, she was still terrified. Paige and Jono, agreeing that Izzy should learn how to control her powers, arranged for her to attend Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Since then, Izzy has discovered that she is able to husk into three more forms-each of them having been triggered by some emotion, like her electric form. Her fire form, triggered in training session gone bad, her earth form, triggered when she fell out a second story window, and her water form, also triggered in a training session, this one being slightly more stressful in nature.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She's currently a student at Xavier's.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Be an active member of the X-Men.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Assist the X-Men. Also, I'd like to see her power control develop (especially with her water form). While I don't plan on her developing any new forms, I'd maybe like to get to the level where she can start to husk select parts of her body, like a flaming hand, for example.
Sample post:
Izzy was playing around with her water form. Or not really so much playing around, but working on controlling it. Again. She didn't like that she could only maintain it for an hour. Out of all her forms, it was the one she had the most trouble with...and the one that annoyed her the most.
"Ah'm gonna get this right...Ah'm gonna get this right.." She stood in her room, in water form, looking at the clock. Fifty-eight mintues...
If she could just manage to hold it for an hour and five minutes, she'd be fine.
"Ah can do this...Ah can do it..."
Fifty-nine minutes...just one more.
An hour on the dot, and she reverted back to normal. Izzy bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. The last time she'd gotten "carried away" when she was practicing her water form, she had gone into her fire form when she got frustrated... and nearly torched down her room.
No. She wasn't going to do that. Instead she was going to walk calmly and quietly to the Danger Room...and singe that instead.
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