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skald_iona ([info]skald_iona) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-02 21:14:00

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Entry tags:defenders, halbjorn, iona

A night out on the town!
Iona had kept mostly to herself for months now. Ever since her almost-not-in-reality wedding...the shame and humiliation had left her isolated in her own mind. It had taken some coaxing (and a little flirting) but Halbjorn had finally convinced her that her self imposed exile was needless - selfish, even. And truly, how could she deny her Prince anything - even her company?

So she had shyly asked for Vernique to help her find a dress and to aid her in preparations for the premier of He-Man. She had to admit - it felt nice...good, even, to be dressed up and to feel the thrill of anticipation of an unforgettable night to come.

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2013-07-03 12:56 am UTC (link)
Halbjorn couldn't be happier outside of a good fight. There's a beautiful goddess willing to show up on his arm, and there's a night all about him. Ok, well, his movie, but still.

The director has even talked to him about possibly trying to get his sister to come try out for the sequel, someone named She-Ra, apparently, is supposed to appear in II.

Truly, its a good night.

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2013-07-03 01:25 am UTC (link)
She'd been ready in plenty of time, but was firmly planted and waiting 10 minutes after the appointed meeting time. Cosmo said it was a "must". Finally, she tugged gloves over her slim, pale arms and gave herself one more look in the mirror, smiling at the cheerful flush in her cheeks before slipping out of her room, careful of her dress and heading down stairs.

"Forgive me...I hath made thee wait..."

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2013-07-03 01:41 am UTC (link)
"For such a vision as thee, fair one, no apology ist needed."

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2013-07-03 01:48 am UTC (link)
Her blush deepened as she moved over to him, stretching up to bestow a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Thou art most kind...*to* kind."

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2013-07-03 01:54 am UTC (link)
"For such as thee, there ist not kindness enow." he replies, pulling her in close, dipping her and kissing her. He can do that now, she's no longer engaged.

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2013-07-03 02:04 am UTC (link)
Oh. My.

So that was it was to be utterly and completely swept away. It was a lovely feeling and she was in no hurry to break away.

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2013-07-03 02:10 am UTC (link)
He breaks the kiss, returning her to her feet and helping steady her.

"I thank thee for thine company, this eve. It shouldst be a grand movie."

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2013-07-03 02:50 am UTC (link)
She wasnt the first maid to swoon in his arms, and she would hardly be the last, but that didn't lessen her enjoyment of the moment.

"Thou could havest anyone in the two worlds for such an honor, my prince. I shall endevour to be worthy." and to not trip. That was equally important.

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2013-07-03 02:53 am UTC (link)
"Thou'rt worthy a'ready, and tonight, I wouldst want no other." Its true that Hal isn't the settling down type, for all sorts of reasons. But he always thoroughly enjoys the company of whoever he's with amidst living every moment to the fullest.

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2013-07-03 02:59 am UTC (link)
There was a great deal of safety in his...limitations. There was no danger of another engagement, certainly, and at that point in her life, that fact was an aphrodesiac all on its own.

"It will be a fine evening indeed. One i'll happily remember in my last moments."

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2013-07-03 03:04 am UTC (link)
"Thou'rt of Asgard, there shalt be many moments to come! But for now, let us away. For drink, music and spectacle await!"

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2013-07-03 03:33 am UTC (link)
Iona couldn't help but laugh in response to his jovial mood as she slipped an arm in the crook of his, "Lead and I shall follow."

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2013-07-03 03:37 am UTC (link)
He accepts her arm and heads towards the provided limousine, helping her in, as he's been taught.

"I hath been told that this conveyance wast stocked with many types of chilled beverage. Choose as thou wilt."

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2013-07-03 03:43 am UTC (link)
"Tis a marvel...thou art an important man..." she teased him gently...after all it was true, he was a most important man, and well deserving of such comforts.

Iona was happy to lean across him to the various bottles until she found the familiar shape of the champagne and passed it to him to open, reaching across him again to find the chilled flutes.

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2013-07-03 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Aye, tis fitting for a warrior born!" he agrees readily. Humility was not one of his virtues. But nor was it particularly expected of him, after all. "And thou'rt a goddess born, such comforts shouldst be thine lot as well." he replies, uncorking the champagne bottle with his fingers, only barely noticing in time she was gathering glasses, rather than just swigging from the bottle.

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2013-07-03 09:19 pm UTC (link)
Midgard had had a refining influence on her perhaps? Some liquor was enhanced by a swig from a bottle...Crystal? No, and she held out the glasses with a smirk.

"Will thine sisters be joining us at the movie or celebration afterwards?"

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2013-07-04 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Truth? I knoweth not. Mayhap, but only Svalin hast shown great interest as of yet."

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2013-07-09 12:47 am UTC (link)
She smiled into her glass of champagne, the bubbles making her wrinkle her nose, "In truth...as much as I doth truly admire and respect thine sisters....I shan't complain having your attention to myself." And his adoring public - but progress was progress!

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2013-07-09 09:04 pm UTC (link)
"Mine attention for thee, of course, ist much different. And I wouldst lavish more time upon thee this night, if thou wouldst join me after the party as well?"

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2013-07-14 02:34 am UTC (link)
"My prince...I will follow thee anywhere but to an alter." At least her previous experience had made it clear to her exactly what she wanted in life - marriage was *not* on the list.

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2013-07-14 03:49 am UTC (link)
"Worry thee not. The altar ist not for the bear-sarks, but thou'rt welcome in mine bed, and at mine side."

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2013-07-14 03:52 am UTC (link)
"Then we are truly of a like mind." She raised her glass a fraction, "To thee, on thy night of triumph. And to...like minds." She smiled, her eyes sparkling over the rim of her flute.

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2013-07-14 12:18 pm UTC (link)
He raises his glass with a grin, managing, somehow, to not end up just breaking the delicate glass. Then he drains it in a single drink.

"Aye, it seemst we art. And I wilt always drink to such sentiment."

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