
Jake was so grateful that he’d set up his schedule with Flying as his last class of the day; he loved to fly and it always put him in a good mood for the rest of the day. Fixing his hair in the mirror, as he did every day after flying class, Jake bounded out the doors onto the grounds of the campus, looking around for something to do. “Simon Burford”, he whispered to himself, seeing the Lalaurie Junior hurrying towards the woods.
No better time than the present, Jake decided, thinking he could find out what Simon knew about Ciaran and Emilie and if maybe he could make him an ally. He’d have to be subtle though, because Simon could just as easily be wound up in whatever was going on…whatever it was.
Tracking a short way into the woods, Jake ran across Simon, looking like he was about to leave, but he instead asked, "Got a lighter bro?" Jake, of course had a lighter, since he carried smokes of his own; he was just a bit embarrassed to show it to Simon. “Sure, dude…”, Jake replied, handing the solid gold monogrammed lighter to the boy. He really needed to pick up a plain old lighter; it wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the gift from his father…it was just that it came off as an in-your-face to his fellow classmates, at least in Jakob’s mind.
Pulling out a cigarette of his own, Jake sat down on a log, “Mind if I join you?”, he asked the shorter boy. Jake and Simon took Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts together, so they knew who the other was, but they had never actually hung out together, “Jake”, he gave Simon his name, waiting to light his own cigarette.


Jake smiled at the way Simon admired his lighter; he would give it to him, if it hadn’t been a gift…with his name engraved on the side of it. When Simon tossed it back, Jake lit his cigarette and took a pleasurable draw from it. “Mmmmmm, nice!”, he moaned, “Seems I can hardly wait ‘til last period’s over.”
Looking up at Simon through the hair that had fallen down across his face, Jake chatted, “Heard you had a knock-down-drag-out with that exchange student a few days back. If Fortis hadn’t broken it up, my money woulda been on you!”
“Yeah, we have Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfig together. “ Jake shrugged and chuckled, “Man, Transfiguration is kicking my ass!”


How could Jake not find Simon’s prideful chest-puffing endearing? He could feel his cheeks flush slightly, as he felt a sudden attraction to his current companion. Concentrate, Jake, he told himself, No time for this. Besides, Simon’s not into guys.
“I heard AB got between you guys”, Jake spoke around the cigarette, still in his lips, “What’s that dud’s deal anyway? I heard some nasty rumors about him.” He flicked his ashes down and stepped on them. Watching Simon for a reaction to his question, Jake removed his blue Rienzi tie and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Dude, if you need help, I’m not bad in some of the classes and even pretty good in a few…”, Jake offered, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his uniform shirt. Then he took a draw on his cigarette and laughed, “Just don’t expect me to help with Transfig! That class sucks!”

From: sim |
Date: January 25th, 2011 08:32 pm (UTC) |
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"fucking AB" Sim sighed, shaking his head. He'd never warmed to her after she went with Gray for a week. As for Ciaran, Sim laughed and shrugged. "That asshole just came at me for no reason. He's a mad man, man." Not entirely true, but that was his story and he was sticking to it.
Puffing thoughtfully on his cigarette, he leaned in closer to the other boy and fixed him with an intent stare. "Don't you think it's a bit weird that as soon as he moves here the school has got like, fucking body parts in the woods and owls getting attacked?" He paused for that to sink in, then turned back to his smoke.
As Jake offered his help, Sim shook his head. "I don't have anything to pay you with, bro. You'd be doing it for free unless you expect meto suck your dick or something" he added jokingly.

“Yeah, I can believe it, man! I’ve seen some of the shit that dude posts”, Jake agreed amicably, “He’s lucky he had a girl to save him”, Jake added for extra measure.
When Simon leaned in close to Jake and stared thoughtfully at him, all of the reasons for being there evaporated from Jake’s head, What was Simon going to do?, was all that was left. Jake’s breath stopped dead, caught in his throat. When Simon spoke, Jake released a long sigh and took a long drag from his cigarette; he was insane to think Simon might actually kiss him. Simon was straight as an arrow. “DUDE!, Jake exclaimed, “That’s what I was thinking! No problems here until this guy comes along, right?! Then we have body parts, owl attacks and some bat creature at large in the school!”
“Simon, did I ask for money?”, Jake was blushing bright red, due to his blond complexion, “You forget, my dad has more money than The U.S. Mint.” The joke really put a few fun visuals in Jake’s head. “Careful how you joke, man”, Jake chuckled, “In case you didn’t know, I’m a switch hitter! Blow jobs for lessons sounds like reasonable trade to me!”


“I don’t know what the fuck that bat thing was, but I’m going to put up some kind of ward to block it from my room…”, he laughed, “…when I can find one!” Speaking about Ciaran, Jake could definitely agree, “I’m glad you started the job, dude!”, sounds like he needs it bad. “I have to be careful. I can’t touch him unless he attacks me first, ‘cause I’m a 2nd dan black belt.”
Jake grinned widely when Simon blew him a kiss; he pretended to catch it and then kissed his palm, “Ahhh, such a romantic”, he teased. When Simon started discussing blow jobs, Jake’s face went bright red again, “Okay, first, I’m only half a fag, dude. I like girls too, so I’m not gonna jump your bones, okay”, he laughed, “Normally, I’d need a few beers to discuss blow jobs with a straight boy, but hey, there’s a first time for everything.” Jake took a long drag on his cigarette and let the smoke out in a long, smooth sigh. “Okay, Simon, if you wanna hear this…here goes…I know it might be a lot for you to believe, but guys give incredible blow jobs. Think about it…we know how the equipment works, dude, and we also play with the balls and multitask”, he cleared his throat, “…and we do something else, I’ll bet your straight ass has never experienced.” Jake grinned and took another drag on his cigarette, making Simon wait for it, “We slip a finger in your butt and find that little button called the prostate…ever wanna cum like a geyser…massage that prostate while you work on your dick.”


God, Simon was priceless, Jake thought, with a grin, “Well, not karate, but Tae Kwan Do”, he answered the excited boy. “If you use enough force and skill, when striking the nose, you could cause fractures of the facial bones and shock trauma to the brain, resulting in death.”
Jake laughed so hard that his eyes watered; wiping his eyes, he replied, “Oh my God, Simon, you are so fuckin’ funny! I pity the poor bastard that ever touches your ass!” He smacked his forehead, “Sorry, though, man, but I’d love to be a fly on the wall when it happens!”
“Hey, dude, what’s the deal with you and Emilie?”, Jake asked, out of the blue. “Are you guys just friends or something more?” He cleared his throat, “I heard she was doing the nasty with Ciaran on New Years Eve…and they beat up some kid for his drugs.”


Seeing Simon’s reaction to the martial arts talk, Jake offered, “I could teach you some Tae Kwon Do sometime, if you like”, he shrugged, “I’m a qualified instructor.” He looked at the tough guy across from him and winked, “…and before you ask , no payment necessary…no money, no dick, no anything.”
Jake was glad that Simon was laughing about the whole thing. He really was a cool guy. That Ciaran must be some major asshole to get on his bad side.
Oh, shit!, Jake worried. Simon looked upset. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone so far; the guy obviously cared a lot about Emilie and her actions with that psycho had been a sort of betrayal to him. “Hey, man”, Jake soothed, squeezing Simon’s shoulder, “I’m sorry. Look, she was probably just drunk and wasn’t thinking straight, y’know?” He gave Simon the sad puppy look, “I’m an ass for bringing it up, okay? Haven’t we all done things we regret when we were drunk?”


Jake grinned widely, “Simon, you are like a breath of fresh air”, he exclaimed, putting out the butt of his cigarette against the log he was sitting on. “I’m sure I can teach you a few things that you’ll find useful.” Then Jake did something he never does…he jumped up and went into a blur of motion, punches, kicks, spins…all intricate, all precise. He was showing off and Jake absolutely never showed off! It was Simon’s influence; the boy was so interested in the sheer physicality of fighting, that Jake couldn’t help a little demonstration. Returning to his seat on the log, Jake shrugged, “That’s a bit of it.
It pulled at Jake’s heart when Simon said that Emilie Never stopped thinking straight with him. “Hey, Simon, you know…ummm…”, Jake patted the boy’s hand, “…dude, I think she keeps her head on straight with you, because you are more important to her.” He rubbed his neck, “Guys like that fucktard, she doesn’t mind using, but she cares about you, Simon…she doesn’t want to fuck up your friendship.”
Jake laughed, “Well, let me tell you, man, sometime, we will have to grab a few six-packs and I’ll tell you my regrets, if you tell me yours!”


The looks from Simon were well worth the effort it took for Jake to get up the nerve to show off his Tae Kwon Do moves. He thought it would be fun to teach the guy some moves.
“Dude, if she’s slapping you instead of letting you feel her up, it’s her loss!”, Jake soothed Simon’s hurt feelings. Picking up a smooth stone, Jake rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger as he confessed, “I met Emilie in the art room a few days ago, man.” He looked up at Simon through his thick, blond lashes, “Ummmm…I tried to be friendly to her and…well…she hates my fuckin’ guts”, he shrugged, “I don’t know what happened!”
“If I’m buying?”, Jake repeated, with a huge grin, “Dude, my father’s a billionaire. If I’m not buying, I’m a dickhead!”

“No way!”, Jake exclaimed, “She broke Gray’s nose?!” He tried not to laugh, but couldn’t stop himself and broke loose with a laugh from deep in his chest. “Why is she like that, man?”, Jake asked, truly curious. He gave Simon a light tap on the arm, “She called me an asshole, a retard and she threatened to cut my little dick off!” He laughed and wiped his eyes, “What the fuck, man?!”


“Damn, man, aren’t you afraid to turn your back on her?”, Jake asked, worried for Simon. “I mean…dude, she blew up my painting!”, he exclaimed, “Used a fuckin’ exploding spell…knocked me on my ass!” He grinned, “Don’t tell her, but she actually did me a favor, cause that painting wasn’t coming out so great anyway.”
Jake shook his head, “Strange, man. I just don’t get it.”
Finger-combing his hair out of his eyes and leaning forward, Jake grinned and leaned forward, “So, what about the other chicks in school? Don’t tell me they all slap you?” He cracked his knuckles, “Believe me, I know there are plenty of friendly girls here at CCI!” He followed his last comment with a knowing wink.


Jake laughed at Simon’s insight into his insane friend, Emilie, “Hey, maybe when you two both graduate, she’ll settle down and want to become your Mrs.?”, he teased. “Yeah, I noticed her mouth doing something”, Jake joked, “It’s called snarling!”
Big blue eyes blared wide when Simon could only remark that Addy had punched him, “Addy punched you? What the fuck, dude?”, he grinned, “Maybe you need some opening lines or something?” Jake cocked an eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you haven’t…ummm…been with any of the young ladies here in school, dude?”

“Ahhhhh! No ball and chain for you, eh?”, Jake chuckled, “Well, there’s one thing we have in common, bro!”, he held his fist up to bang knuckles.
“Freshmen?! No! ACKKK!”, Jake exclaimed, making a funny face, “Too young, dude!” Rubbing his chin, Jake figured he would just have to come out and be blunt, “I’m just asking whether you’ve had any of the girls…like juniors or seniors…at CCI?” There really should be beer here, “I think I need beer to loosen your tongue!”, he teased. “Dude, I know if I have, you have!”


With a fist bump, Jake felt like he and Simon bonded in the brotherhood of dedicated bachelors. How had he not spent any time with this guy before now? Simon was a cool dude…easy to talk to and Jake decided that, if there was any nefarious plans going on at CCI, Simon had no part in them.
“Yeah, I knew a looker like you woulda been around”, Jake complimented. When Simon almost said Meka, their eyes locked; Jake looked away after a moment and flushed. He knew that Simon must not want anyone to know if he had stopped himself like that. “Oh, hey, yeah, some chick at Sam’s party, huh?”, he hit Simon with the back of his hand, “…me too, dude! I hooked up with this Sonnier chick that I hadn’t been with for a few months. Man, she is hot!”

Oh fuck! Meka was Sonnier too!, Jake smiled uncomfortably at Simon, "Dude, Giselle has nice tits...", he wiggle his eyebrows, "...and nice everything else too." He grinned widely, "Best thing is...she isn't hung up on commitment!"
Rubbing his stomach, Jake licked his lips, "Dude, unless you want to smoke another ciggy, I think I'm going to head back and grab a bite to eat. I'm starving!"
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