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get carried away. ([info]lovers) wrote,
@ 2008-05-12 16:46:00

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amici soltanto
“As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going.” -- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City.

formally [info]party, [info]protect and [info]model
this journal, like everything else, is friends only.
i prefer a more mature friends list that doesn't consist of high school idiocy.

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2008-05-14 08:31 pm UTC (link)
bom chika wah wah~~~~ girl what're all your other 2347384 names lol we should trade one D: i'm bored with mineee.

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2008-05-14 08:46 pm UTC (link)
Hahaha. It sucks having so many, because I can move so much.

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2008-05-14 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Added you here. Could you please remove me from party? I hate that we can't do it ourselves. Thanks! :)

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2008-05-14 08:46 pm UTC (link)

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2008-05-15 04:37 am UTC (link)
i added you here ;-*

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2008-05-15 04:39 am UTC (link)
Added you back, bb!

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2008-05-21 03:38 am UTC (link)
its chelsie, you should add me. ♥

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2008-05-21 05:02 am UTC (link)

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2008-05-25 10:37 pm UTC (link)
hey alex. add me?

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2008-06-04 04:24 am UTC (link)
We were friends before, but lost eachother. Add?

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2008-06-04 04:26 am UTC (link)
Mhm :]

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2008-06-23 11:07 pm UTC (link)

Heyy, I'm Ally. Add? (:

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