Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Michi and Leon
Setting: Leon's room, Sunday evening
Rating: Probably swearing
Content: Michi and Leon have a talk

Michi had been worried about Leon, she had to admit... it was weird. Ever since she had seen him at the New Years Eve party there was a little something off. She wasn't going to force it out of him but when she got a text from him... asking for help... she was ready to bounce right over, except he never responded back until the next day.

After a quick conversation with Leon she pulled on her shoes and grabbed a package of skittles. Skittles fixed everything right? It was a quick walk over to Sonnier and she knocked at his door, waiting for a response.

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mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:01 am (UTC) (Link)
Leon answered the door, dressed light and comfortably. His face was a little pink and sore from where Nurse Ducote had healed his wounds. He swallowed, at first, looking at her a but dumbly before moving to let her in.

"Hey," he said softly, shutting the door behind him before taking a deep breath and scrubbing his hands on his jeans.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:06 am (UTC) (Link)
"You look like shit!" Michi covered her mouth with her hands. "I mean... hey," she stepped into his room and shut the door behind herself.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked, her usual gruff words somehow softened by her concern.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:16 am (UTC) (Link)
"I told you- man eating bat things are running around on campus. I, for once, was serious." He shrugged a little motioning for her to sit on the bed or chair.

"A lot of things going on, too much..." He groaned a little, suddenly unsure of how to put things bluntly and not end up dead. "I have to break up with Adelaide."

gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:22 am (UTC) (Link)
"Man eating bat? What the..." She shook her head and settled down on his bed. "I can make something up for you to ease the pain," she offered.

"Why? What's wrong? I know you fight a lot but everyone fights, it was working this time right?" Michi was tempted to slap him right there but there had to be something, it had to be big. She tentatively reached over and took his hand. "What happened?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:36 am (UTC) (Link)
"What? No! I'm serious...It...nevermind." Clearly there was not going to be much in the line of convincing people he wasn't crazy.

"I don't...I don't know if I can..." He sighed when she took his hand, reaching out with the other to pull his computer chair over to sit on. "It is complicated. And ugly...and she's going to hate me..." He paused again, looking at Michi with all honesty. "But she'll just get hurt if we stay together."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 23rd, 2011 06:45 am (UTC) (Link)
Crazy might have been a stretch, she was sure with a little sleep he would be alright.

"Leon... what could possibly be so ugly that she would hate you? She loves you. I, of all people, can understand when it just doesn't work but you two were doing so well this time," she said sincerely. "Please tell me what's wrong, I want to be able to help."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 07:13 am (UTC) (Link)
He stared at the floor, his gut clenching into a nervous ball as he gritted his teeth. He wasn't sure if he could tell her the truth, or lie to her either. The situation was all together strange and left him nervous and uncertain.

"I love her," he said after a moment, closing his eyes. "But I don't love her like that. I try, I keep trying...I thought....I thought that if I wanted it to work, it would fix everything, but it doesn't."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 23rd, 2011 07:22 am (UTC) (Link)
It was an odd way of saying it, the corners of her mouth turned down in concentration as she listened to him. "Of course you do," she said quietly. She didn't doubt that he loved her for one second.

"Fix everything? What do you mean?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 07:37 am (UTC) (Link)
"Fix me," he clarified without really explaining. He sighed again, reaching forward to fumble for his mint box. Flicking it open, Michi could see that there was anything but mints in there.

"I'm not good for her." He said finally, "she needs someone she can be happy with in the long term. Not me."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 23rd, 2011 07:53 am (UTC) (Link)
"Holy shit Leon!" she said when she saw the inside of his box. She looked around the room at that point and noticed a prescription bottle on his desk. It was starting to make sense now. "We can fix this," she said adamantly. "You don't have to do this to yourself."

"I can understand that you don't love her a certain way but there is good in there. Why would you let yourself waste away with this shit," she said indicating the mint box.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 23rd, 2011 10:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
Leon stared at Michi for a moment, pulling out a pill before snapping the case shut agqin. Finding a bottle of water on his desk, he lingered a moment to wander what she was siddenly so clear on. "What are you talking about?" He asked, not sure if it was the drugs or something else.

But then his brain caught up to her, and he frowned. "It helps me sleep....and get through my days."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 25th, 2011 07:19 am (UTC) (Link)
Michi's frowned deepened. "There are plenty of other legal things to help with sleep," she said firmly. "Tea, warm milk, soothing music," she started listing off all the things she had used to help herself get to sleep at night.

"What's been keeping you up anyways?" she asked furrowing her brow.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 26th, 2011 03:34 am (UTC) (Link)
"It is only illegal if you get caught." He commented, before rolling his eyes. It was a stupid comment on his part, but drugs was not something he wanted to argue about. Gael had made the same fuss a week or so ago. It just didn't seem worth the effort to argue.

"I don't know, I just can't." And it made him crabbier than usual, too. "Just...have a lot of things on my mind."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 26th, 2011 05:24 am (UTC) (Link)
Michi smacked him in the arm gently. "Man up and talk about it then you doofus," she said with a touch of anger. "You're going to turn into a waste case and you know what happens when you turn into a waste case? Addy gets hurt even worse," her eye narrowed. "And if you hurt her more than necessary..." her voice trailed of threateningly. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Listen, whatever it is, it can't be that bad right?"
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 27th, 2011 05:00 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I somehow don't think that this will hurt her more." He grumbled, putting the bottle and case on the desk before leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. "If I'm a waste case, she'll just pick up and leave. And we'll all be better for it."

But then they were back to whatever it was that was bothering him, and Leon stared at his feet again. He didn't want to tell Michi. Merlin, he didn't want to tell more people than he had already. Even if Rowan and Gael were all hip to being 'truthful'. "Just trust's bad."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 27th, 2011 05:10 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Don't be an idiot," she said indignantly. "If you're not honest with her Leon, she will hate you forever."

She shook her head and crossed her arms across her chest. "Look, I know you don't want to tell the truth but it always comes out whether you want it to or not," she shrugged. "Trust me," she added with a little grin.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 27th, 2011 06:21 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, because she and everyone fucking else wants to know that if she had a dick, I'd find her more sexually attractive." He blinked, then, before groaning. He'd just said that, hadn't he? Bloody fuck, he wasn't even drunk this time. What the fucking hell was wrong with him? "Even if I am honest, she'll hate me forever. There? Happy? Fucking do-da-day, and all that fucking crap."

Irritated, he leaned forward again flicked his finger over his laptop's mouse pad. "Save your speeches, too. I don't want to fucking hear them."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 27th, 2011 06:48 pm (UTC) (Link)
Michi's eyes went a bit wide at that and she leaned closer. Oh fuck. She had not been expecting that. "Hey," she gave his shoulder a little push. "Don't fucking blow me off like that," she said a touch angrily. "I'm not going to give you a fucking speech but I've had to go through this before. I'm here to fucking talk with you not to talk at you," she frowned.

This was kind of insane though. "So... you're gay," she said quietly. "So is half the school," she shrugged. "Besides, I knew your taste was too good to just be European," she teased gently. "Sure it's not something you want to announce to the entire school but letting yourself spiral out of control because of it..." she shook her head. "That's some serious bullshit."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 27th, 2011 10:06 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, well...I'm not spiraling out of control, thanks." Except he was, but was too stubborn to admit it. What happened at the New Year's party wouldn't have happened two years ago, or even last year. Since the start of his Senior year, Leon's head had been screwed on backwards enough that anyone with eyes could see the change.

"And what does 'your taste was too good' mean? I could have terrible taste for all you know." He wasn't even sure what the conversation was about anymore...aside from something other than Adelaide.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 27th, 2011 10:14 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Don't insult me Leon Shaw," she said giving him a serious look. "Anyone with eyes can see it."

"It means the clothes you wear and the things you buy are nice, it's a compliment and it was supposed to lighten the mood sour puss," speaking off... "Want some skittles?" she said offering him a package.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 27th, 2011 10:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
"What do you want me to do? Just walk right up to her and say, 'sorry, have to tell you, thought giving you a shag and trying to fall madly in love with you would mean I'd stop fancying blokes, but it didn't'? She'd hate me, and she'd.... I don't know."

As for being offered skittles? He jsut sighed and nodded before holding out his hand.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 27th, 2011 11:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
Michi poured out some skittles in his hand, trying to think of the right thing to say. "It's not going to be pretty," she said gently.

"You... you had sex with her?" she hit herself in the forehead. "You had to know that was a terrible idea, that... that you couldn't change who you are by having sex with her," she sighed heavily. "She's going to be a mess but you can't keep dragging her along, it'll get worse."

"It's up to you whether you want to tell her the honest truth or not Leon. I won't lie, it's going to be bad either way." She felt for him, really she did, she hadn't even told her own mother yet about her sexuality. It was definitely something she could sympathize with.

"I know that we don't really have the best past or anything but I can be here for you, not to sound cheesy and cliche, but you're going to need someone to like... wreck shit with. Have you ever tried therapeutic wrecking? It really does the soul good. When I found out I was pregnant, I beat the shit out of the quodpot bleachers and felt like eighty times better," she gave him a little smile.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 28th, 2011 01:25 am (UTC) (Link)
He looked at the skittles for a while, snorting a little as he listened to her. Everyone seemed to want to be there to talk to him; Jake, AB, Rowan....Michi. What the hell? He didn't think it was because he earned any 'great guy' awards.

"Heh, the best I've felt in a long time was when Stas gave me a hit of cocaine." He admitted, "I know...I know I shouldn't, but I think about it. I want to go back to it."

No reason, he guessed, not to be honest. They'd already started down that path anyway. "I wish I wasn't, you know. Everything would be better if I was just normal."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: January 29th, 2011 07:47 pm (UTC) (Link)
Michi's frowned deepened. She couldn't chastise him for destructive behavior when she was just as guilty. "It's a crutch," she shrugged. "It's just... I know, we all do it, but to a certain extent. There are people who care about you and if you keep at this you could really hurt yourself. I don't know, maybe that's your goal."

"Do you know how many times I've thought the same exact thing? I wish I wasn't bi. I wish I wasn't pregnant. I wish I had a father who loved me. I wish I wasn't the way I am. But the sooner you except it... the better it gets. You don't have to hate yourself forever."
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 31st, 2011 06:15 pm (UTC) (Link)
"There are a lot of people that would be better off without me around, too." He sighed, though, slouching in his chair was he stared at the wall. "Sometimes I wouldn't mind if everything just stopped. I think the world would be better off."

But then he was listening to her again, frowning as he shook his head. From his point of view, at right that moment...there wasn't any way for it to get better. "My mum won't ever speak to me again. I won't be allowed home. How's that supposed to be getting better?"
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 1st, 2011 02:21 am (UTC) (Link)
"Even if you can come off as a bit of an asshole, you make things around here a little more colorful," she gave him a grin but she felt like doing anything but grinning.

"I'm sorry, I really am. You can always keep it quiet from your family, but you've got to accept it for yourself," she shifted a little on the bed and took a deep breath. "I know. It sucks. You can't make anyone else accept it, but you can be happy with the choices you make."

"Come on," she said standing up. "Hug it out," she smacked his shoulder and held her arms open.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 1st, 2011 08:58 pm (UTC) (Link)
"So what you mean is, you'd be bored if I wasn't such a dick." He gave a hint of a smile at it that, before rolling his head back to stare at the ceiling.

"I don't plan on telling them. Just...Gael knows." He'd made that mistake over New Years, despite how things seemed to be more or less normal now. Only Gael seemed to worry more, as if Leon's sanity was some sort of frayed string that might snap and break at any moment. Maybe it was, too. He sure as he wasn't sure anymore. "Happy with my choices? I don't know...if my choices are...jumping off a bridge or having to listen to someone like Jake Frost give me one more emotional pep talk? I might take the nose dive."

But then she wanted to 'hug it out', and all he could do was stare at her for a long time. Was she serious? "I don't hug," he protested a bit weakly.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 2nd, 2011 01:02 am (UTC) (Link)
Michi grinned at him, it was nice to see a little bit of that fire back in him. "Come on Leon, it's who you are and we all love it."

Michi couldn't help but laugh. "He's just trying to help," she said kindly about Jake. "There are more people out there who understand what you're going through, you know that right?"

"Oh rubbish you don't hug!" she smacked his shoulder. "Come on," she pulled on his arm a bit and snaked her arms around his shoulders and squeezed herself to him in an awkward hug. "You'll have to excuse my boobies," she joked. "You wouldn't have suffered the wrath of boobies had you stood up for a hug!" she laughed.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 2nd, 2011 03:45 am (UTC) (Link)
"Do you really? I'm not convinced Quinn loves anything about me." He snorted a little, before rolling his eyes. Jake might have been trying to help, but Leon still wanted to punch him most of the time. Punch seemed like an excellent way to solve his problems lately. "I'm not going to the fag club, so don't even . Even if they did know, they'd probably wish misery on me, and it would be wholly justified. I'm okay way it, really."

But then she was hugging him, breast in his face and everything. He didn't even have much choice but to laugh a little, awkwardly returning the hug with some resistance at first. "Alright, alright...I'm stand up!"
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 2nd, 2011 08:21 am (UTC) (Link)
Michi stood back to let him stand up. "I wouldn't dream of sending you to the Pride club," she laughed, shaking her head. "It would turn into a blood bath," she said matter of factly.

"Instead of being miserable all the time why don't you turn that energy to something else? Start kicking ass in dueling club or organize an underground fight club," she only half joked.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 2nd, 2011 10:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"What? You don't think they'd love me?" He asked, standing to look at her with a raised brow. "I think I'll have to sit in on the next one. Spread all the faggity love I can." There was no hope in making him stop with the language. At least, not yet. He was still too angry with with who and what he was.

"Oh be being miserable is easy. And...I already do well in Dueling." He wasn't a bad dueler at all. For that matter, he was a bit ruthless and a touch underhanded. For him, there was no such thing as 'taking it easy' on an opponent. "And the only way I start a fight if I get the pleasure of beating Gray into the ground."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 4th, 2011 04:40 am (UTC) (Link)
"Oh Leon, they'd love you darling, but I think it might just be a little too much fabulous for one room," she smirked at him.

"I know you do well in dueling, you're pretty ruthless," she laughed. "But why Gray? He's just... he's Gray," she shrugged. "Sure I slap him around a little but he's..." Michi grimaced a little trying to come up with the right words. "Well he's just Gray. "Completely harmless."

"Now give me a proper hug, at least spread the faggity love to me," she couldn't but laugh.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 5th, 2011 08:50 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You are a filthy little liar, Michi." He laughed a little, shaking his head. "No. No they would not. If they did, I've not been doing a good job!"

As for why Gray, well he wasn't even sure anymore. There was just this long standing hatred they shared. They disliked each other, a lot. "I don't know, it is just the way it came to be. I mean, it is mutual. S,o you really don't have anything to worry about there."

But he did, at least, give in to her demands for a proper hug. Even if it was somewhat reluctantly. He wrapped his arms around her side and gave her a brief, but noticable squeeze.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 6th, 2011 01:59 am (UTC) (Link)
She laughed. "Yeah well, can't be good at everything right?" she joked. "And don't see yourself short Leon, you've done a fantastic job pissing off the gays of Crescent City Institute. I'm sure there's a facebook group for kids who have wanted to tell you a thing or two," she teased.

"See," she said hugging him back. "That didn't hurt did it?"

mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 7th, 2011 04:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I can be fantastic at it. I'll take poll to prove it." He smirked a little, the first wave of a high slowly washing over him. "There is a facebook group for that? I should join."

He laughed a little, plopping back in his chair as he looked up at her. "Well, I never said it would hurt."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 9th, 2011 11:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You really should," she nodded plopping back down on the edge of his bed. "Shake things up a bit," she grinned.

"No, but you acted like it was gonna kill you," she teased. "Don't worry I'm not diseased."

"So what do you say? Want to go make snarky comments about people, be total girls and get a pint of ben and jerry's, go wreck shit..." she suggested idly. Doing something might help, right?
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 13th, 2011 09:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I will. Sometime to tomorrow, you can check it. 'Leon Shaw joins 'I fucking hate Leon Shaw' group." He nodded a bit sagely as he plopped back in his chair and shrugged. This wasn't really any closer to solving his problem of Adelaide, but it always wasn't the worst this whole conversation could go. "I am adverse to show people a kindly side of myself. Sue me."

He did consider all the options she gave him though, making a slight face at 'be total girls'. "I might get a stiffy thinking about a guys cock, but that doesn't mean I have a cunt." He replied with a roll of his eyes. However, breaking shit had always been fun. "I'll go break things with you, though. Double points if it involves the face of someone I hate."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 14th, 2011 04:35 am (UTC) (Link)
Michiko couldn't help but laugh. It was the sort of ridiculous thing that would happen at their school. She scrunched up her nose at his next comment though. "Why?" she asked. Leon had always been a grumpy guts but after seeing a different side of him... she had to wonder.

"Aww, but you're so pretty," she teased with a giggle. "I call everyone a girl, I even call your best friend Grey girl," she rolled her eyes. "It's a figure of speech."

"Breaking faces..." she said thoughtfully. "We could always go challenge some of the boys to a match of two on two quodpot. Legitimate face breaking," she said with a smile.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: February 17th, 2011 11:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Why not?" He countered, looking at her suspiciously. "People can't be disappointed when you're an ass, if you always are an ass." He shrugged. It wasn't entirely true, but it was close enough for him.

"I am not pretty. I'm...not even handsome. I am...something akin to road kill, I think." That he truly believed. There were loads more people at school that could be called 'pretty' well before him. "And your figure of speech is gay."

As for the offer to play some Quodpot, well...he made a bit of a face before nodding. He was hardly his game of choice, but it did have exploding balls. It was a good trade off for being a suck-ass game. "You're on." He said, standing again.
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: February 17th, 2011 11:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Fair enough but you seem to be an ass that people like," she grinned.

"Uh... false," she looked at him skeptically. "Leon, I don't know what rock you've been living under but you're gorgeous. Sure, looks like you could sleep a little more and maybe eat something but you're far from roadkill." She said seriously.

She pushed herself up from his bed and gave him a little nudge. "Come on bud," she said leading him out the door.
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