Dandi Watson - bawwww [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Dandi Watson

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bawwww [Feb. 20th, 2009|03:46 am]
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Dear [info]hitler, I'm updating this for you because I love you.

I haven't had much to write about as of late. I'm jobless and a lush, and it's borderline tragic.

I'm promoting for a party at the end of the month... and it's going to be fuckery at it's best. 2012... Children of the Bunker. I'm psyched. More UV bodypaint models. More copious amounts of things I shouldn't take. *hehe*


I promise I'll make a better update later. I promise. I promise. :D

Maybe pictures of my new haircut?!

Here's one.

This was my old haircut:

this is my new haircut:

Way saucer, way way.

Sorry I'm such a lameass. xD


[User Picture]From: [info]beliefs
2009-02-20 10:27 am (UTC)


you are too pretty. srsly.

and i am jobless too. it's rough!
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2009-02-20 11:23 am (UTC)


I'm so jealous of your sexy hair.
[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-02-20 02:52 pm (UTC)


woot woot go us jobless lushes (kinda on the lush part hahha, only not really. i just want stuff i shouldn't).
[User Picture]From: [info]diaochan
2009-02-20 06:33 pm (UTC)


Jobless too? This economy of ours is fucking fantastic...[/sarcasm]

[User Picture]From: [info]whiskey
2009-02-20 09:17 pm (UTC)


Love the pictures!
[User Picture]From: [info]hitler
2009-02-24 12:40 am (UTC)


OH, YAY! I'm so happy to see you postinggggg! <3333 Your new hair looks excellent and you are, as always, very pretty. :D So, I know that you're added to my Myspace, but do you have a Facebook, too?

And I really wish that I could play guitar. Or anything. xD
[User Picture]From: [info]tankgirl
2009-02-24 06:15 am (UTC)



SO many humiliating tagged photos, god. I usually don't give this one out- but I just love you too damn much. ♥
[User Picture]From: [info]cherryboomstick
2009-03-12 07:06 am (UTC)


This hairstyle definitely suits you. It's my favorite hairstyle of yours. :D
[User Picture]From: [info]tankgirl
2009-03-12 07:10 am (UTC)


Ughhhh I just died it and cut it again thoughhhhh. :( :(

...I do appreciate it! Hopefully I don't look like a trainwreck with my new hair lol. xD
[User Picture]From: [info]cherryboomstick
2009-03-12 07:12 am (UTC)


lol aww that's okay. I want to see!

I'm sure you look fine. You pull off many hairstyles. I was just saying this particular one was my favorite. :P