The card: Self-Interest, Strategy. Through persistence this card has conquered the odds and come away clear. Its beliefs are intact, though some have been left by the wayside so that the card may survive. This card is willing to rid itself of anything that doesn't serve its purpose.
The woman: Joanna was the middle sister of five children. Her entire family died in an outbreak of Cedar flu just before the Great War. Being a resourceful girl she sought court service and became a handmaiden.
She worked her way into the service of Queen Elizabeth and has been serving her for several months.
Joanna has a sneaky side, an ability to listen and seem as if she's not paying attention at all. Very few details escape her grasp. She particularly loves listening to the ladies gossiping in the kitchen.
She has been a spy for some time, but in whose service it's not clear.
The woman: Joanna was the middle sister of five children. Her entire family died in an outbreak of Cedar flu just before the Great War. Being a resourceful girl she sought court service and became a handmaiden.
She worked her way into the service of Queen Elizabeth and has been serving her for several months.
Joanna has a sneaky side, an ability to listen and seem as if she's not paying attention at all. Very few details escape her grasp. She particularly loves listening to the ladies gossiping in the kitchen.
She has been a spy for some time, but in whose service it's not clear.
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